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Written by Dušan Davidović this article appeared on the VARSTVOSLOVJE, no. 2 pp. 345-351, in year 2011.
The aim of this article is to examine existing problems in both the public and private security sectors to suggest possible ways to strengthen the partnership between them. The expansion of the private security industry has increased the need for cooperation and effective partnership between both sectors if they are to ensure societal security. Private security in Serbia faces change due to the increasing influence of foreign private security companies on one hand, and the stagnation of police reforms and realization of the `4D` project (depolitization, decentralization, decriminalization and demilitarization) on the other. The internationalization of the private security sector in Serbia can bring some new methods with which to ensure safety and security in society, through the introduction of standardization of security activities. However, the main challenges for this sector are still; (1) True legalization through legislation, (2) Horizontal coordination and vertical integration between participants in the sector; and (3) Harmonization with European models of private security. Taking into consideration these pre-conditions in the public and private sector, the author will attempt to disclose the foundations on which to formulate a concept of partnership between the public and private security sectors in Serbia. Previously, that partnership was a low priority, but the new conception of policing relationships has led to a re-evaluation of safety and security provision in society.