(published in: Dec, 2012)
La coltivazione della canapa e la trasformazione della materia prima così ottenuta, offrono numerose possibilità commerciali. Dall'energia alle materie plastiche biologiche, dai tessuti alla carta, esistono i margini per investimenti che stimolino l'economia e rispettino l'ambiente.
(published in: Dec, 2012)
La coltivazione della canapa, dopo decenni di marginalizzazione e confinamento nell'illegalità, torna attuale grazie ai progressi scientifico-tecnologici e alla questione ambientale.
(published in: Feb, 2012)
Dated March 2008, this study was commissioned to DGR Consultin in 2007 in order to evaluate the possible realization of the project "Coast to Coast". It consists in two main sections: tourism between the Italian region Emilia Romagna and Croatia on one side and the developement of commercial and business exchanges between Emilia Romagna and Croatia on the other side.
(published in: Nov, 2011)
The progress on the way to a complete European integration in the field of economy and politics has been representing a reference point for the countries of eastern and Balkan Europe. For what concernes the air transport market, there are in the regions considered a noteworthly number of small and medium airports, which must quickly adapt themselves to the specific features of the european airport market. Under this view, the airport "Ridolfi" in Forlì is an example that fits.
(published in: Oct, 2011)
After the first steps in the economic orientation towards the West, in the 1990s under the European political and financial influence, east European countries developed their transport systems with a systematic policy of integration with the western part of the continent. In this context, an essential factor that has decisively contributed to the development of airline routes between Emilia Romagna (an Italian region) and eastern Europe is trade (coupled with migrations).
(published in: Oct, 2011)
Nel quadro della crescita economica dell'Europa centrale ed orientale, gli scambi di capitali, persone e merci hanno visto un incremento notevole soprattutto verso l’Europaoccidentale. Le due aree, fino a pochi anni fa nettamente divise, hanno integrato, non senza difficoltà e contraddizioni, le rispettive economie.
(published in: Sep, 2011)
Il settore del trasporto aereo nell'Europa centrale ed orientale è migliorato negli ultimi venti anni a partire dal sistema aeroportuale sovietico pre-esistente. L'apertura delle economie dell'area ha portato ad un aumento degli scambi commerciali con l'Europa occidentale mentree gli investimenti diretti esteri provenienti da ovest hanno permesso il raggiungimento di importanti obiettivi.
(published in: Sep, 2011)
Il settore del trasporto aereo nei Balcani è cresciuto significativamente negli scorsi anni, compiendo un noteole salto di qualità. La regione ha sperimentato un sostenuto incremento nel numero di voli civili (trasporto di passeggeri e merci). La recente crescita del numero di passeggeri e rotte nei Balcani, è il risultato di una tendenza economica comune a tutta la regione.
(published in: Sep, 2011)
The air transport sector in the Balkans has grown significantly in recent years in terms of business turnover, taking a major step forward. The region has experienced a quantitative increase in the number of civilian flights (i.e. flights transporting passengers and freight). The recent growth in numbers of passengers and airline connections in the region is the result of an economic trend common to all Balkan countries, that is, the orientation of domestic markets towards the EU’s founding members. Thus the dynamics described above have led to an increase in airport connections. Currently there are more than 100 flights per week between Albania and northeastern Italy, specifically between Tirana and Venice, Bologna, Rimini, Trieste, Treviso, Verona and Forlì.
(published in: Sep, 2011)
Currently over 60% of central and eastern Europe’s trade is with the western part of the continent and this has benefited from exponential growth in the last twenty years. The growth of trade and infrastructure modernization in the region has been creating a context in which air transport has been fully engaged and was a major target of respective national economic strategies as well as private and public investment from abroad. In the case of airports, civil aircraft and crucial services for air transport, it was a matter of updating and relaunching individual airport systems as well as the larger regional system.
(published in: Sep, 2011)
Food production and agriculture play an important role in Montenegro's economy, with the primary sector alone providing (source: Eurostat) more than 10% of total GDP (GDP (EUR 2.95 Billion in 2009), compared to 2% in the EU27, together with processing industry shares around 20% of GDP, and 4.9% of total exports. Surveys reveal an agricultural labor force of 11,902, while official estimates point to a total of around 55,000 rural households in Montenegro.
(published in: Sep, 2011)
The livestock industry in the Forlì-Cesena Province produces over 300 million euros of output in value terms. Production areas (poultry, eggs, cattle and pigs) are organizing themselves into strongly integrated systems in order to reduce market risks and capture greater product ranges of value added. To complete the process of integration and specialization with targeted market positioning, it is also necessary to specialize the feed component. This component has an estimated value of approximately 150 million euros per year, using mainly imported raw materials.
(published in: Sep, 2011)
In the decade 2000-2010 political forces in the Balkans (Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Romania and Bulgaria), inspite of many obstacles, proceeded to take on the challenge of leaving behind the events of the recent past. The positive influence of the European Union on the entire Balkan area has enabled economic growth to be anchored to European growth. One important example of this is the airport system in the Balkans, which has undergone marked progress in terms of development and modernization.
(published in: Sep, 2011)
Durante gli ultimi dieci anni, il trasporto aereo nei Balcani si è espanso in dimensione e volume di voli. Ciò è accaduto in particolare per le rotte che connettono i Balcani con l'Europa occidentale. Il traffico aereo tra queste due parti del continente è aumentato del 150% negli ultimi dieci anni.
(published in: Jul, 2011)
Rising oil prices, haigh pollution levels nd the global warming, have pushed East European intitutions to focus on replacing, as much as possible, coal and oil with natural gas. Moreover the dependence on foreign supplies and the monetary burden that it generates are persuading the authorities of the area to pursue alternative ways to gather the gas they need. One of the pioneering techniques to extract gas from the underground that is gaining ground in Eastern Europe is called “fracking”. It has has some strong consequences to the environment; will the benefits that it brings be higher than the costs?