(published in: Dec, 2012)
What was Slobodan Milosevic’s role in the Yugoslav dissolution? Is it possible to contextualize, in a better way, from the historical point of view Milosevic’s ascent to power? Which research paths could be followed? Much of the current scholarly literature about Yugoslavia tend to express a methodological point of view who underplay the importance of the historical circumstances.
(published in: Dec, 2012)
Il lavoro cerca di valutare il possibile ruolo della Comunità Energetica del Sud Est Europa quale fattore di stabilità nell’area Balcanica. Il Trattato fondativo della Comunità assegna a questa l’obiettivo di condurre una cooperazione in campo energetico al fine diffondere istituzioni e normative condivise, quali elementi di superamento del conflitto: tuttavia, sono molti gli ostacoli posti su questo cammino sia di natura interna alla regione che esterna, per l’influenza di fattori e poteri internazionali interessati all’area.
(published in: Oct, 2012)
La proclamazione della legge marziale in Polonia, il 13 dicembre 1981, provocò una reazione alquanto moderata da parte del governo italiano, limitatasi alla manifestazione di “ansia e preoccupazione” per la situazione in Polonia, espressa dal ministro degli affari esteri Emilio Colombo...
(published in: Nov, 2012)
Questo lavoro propone un’analisi per la lettura guidata di "Miriam", un racconto di Ivan Klíma, nella traduzione in italiano.
"Miriam" è il primo dei sei racconti della raccolta I miei primi amori che con I miei allegri mattini e I miei mestieri d’oro costituisce un "trittico" interamente autobiografico...
(published in: Aug, 2012)
Le byline (dal russo byliny) sono composizioni epiche (quindi in versi) tramandate oralmente. La lingua in cui si esprimono è ibrida, essendo caratterizzata da tratti arcaici e anche dialettali, assorbiti in varie località e in varie epoche. Il termine bylina (ormai comunemente pluralizzato all’italiana) deriva dal passato del verbo “essere”, bylo “[ciò che] è stato, [ciò che] è avvenuto”. In origine le byline cantavano un fatto vero, probabilmente registrato anche nelle Cronache. Tuttavia....
(published in: Jul, 2012)
The establishment of the regional policy in Macedonia was needed mainly for two reasons. Firstly, the high level of disparities between the regions i.e. between the capital and the rest of the country plus the lack of integral approach aiming towards improvement of the development indexes of the less developed regions and secondly, the country received the EU candidate status...
(published in: Jul, 2012)
Although there were several kinds of cruelty during the Second World War, Yugoslavia and Hungary had close relations from 1945 to June 1948. However, everything was changed after the decision of the second meeting of Cominform. It had a great inference on Hungarian diplomacy toward Yugoslavia and Hungary took the lead in active anti-Yugoslav propaganda by Stalin during the late 1940’s and the first 1950’s.
(published in: May, 2012)
Stalin’s regime left a deep scar in the memories of Lithuanians and Poles in emigration and brought about a change in their geopolitical imagination. In the real threat, Lithuanian-Polish relations were reviewed anew. Concentration camps and massive murders - the signs of Stalin policy - caused disagreements and mutual offenses to be forgotten. After very strong hostility, mistakes were…
(published in: Apr, 2012)
The Balkans’ economic relations with European Union countries have been particularly intense during the last decades. Geographical reasons together with political and economical links can explain why the process of development and integration of Balkan’s countries is of paramount interest for the European Union: this area represents the South - Eastern gateway to a new and more integrated Europe...
(published in: Mar, 2012)
Pre-crisis high growth rates of the Western Balkans were fuelled by domestic demand financed through capital inflows from abroad. This, coupled with low domestic savings, increased vulnerability to the external shocks that followed. Four main external transmission mechanisms…
(published in: Feb, 2012)
This paper analyzes social and political movements that emerged in Slovenia in the last years of socialist Yugoslavia. Explicitly or impliedly, any of them was contesting the inability of the Federation to find a solution to the problems Yugoslav peoples were experiencing: lack of...
(published in: Jan, 2012)
This research is based on the fundaments of somewhat nonsystematic historical and culturological investigation of censorship as an important factor in the shaping of cultural identity of people of former Yugoslavia. It starts from the past studies conducted in the fields of book history, archivistics and journalism. It takes Croatia and Serbia for referent countries as base fields for explaining censorship methodologies in the period of Yugoslav WWII aftermath, through the year of IB resolution in 1948 until 1952 and slowly coming out from so called Agitprop cultural period of Yugoslavia.
The gap which is to be filled is...