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Kosovo: Reconstruction and Development Assistance

The teport for congress is written by Curt Tarnoff.

Effortsto reconstruct and develop Kosovo following the devastation and disruptioncaused by the war will require billions of dollars and support frommultipledonors.  On February 7, 2000, the Clinton Administration requested $92.8 million in a FY2000 supplemental and $175million in its FY2001 budget request for Kosovo reconstruction.  In P.L. 106-246, Congress approved $12.4million in supplemental funding, and in PL. 106-429, the FY2001 foreign aidbill, it limited Kosovo aid to 15% of donor assistance. Assessments conductedby the World Bank and the European Community estimate external financing needsfor Kosovo reconstruction at $2.3 billion over four to five years.  UNMIK, the U.N. Interim AdministrationMission in Kosovo, is the chief governing body in Kosovo, supported by the OSCE(Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and the European Union. At the two Kosovo donor conferences, $1.5 billion was pledged forreconstruction-related efforts. Reconstruction programs include a wide variety of activities.  Support for the UN administrative budget,economic policy reform, establishment ofrule oflaw, and effortsto stimulate anascent private sector and civil society are being undertaken by the UnitedStates and other donors.

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