Location: Rijeka, Croatia
Period: 25 - 27 October 2007
This international Congress offers an opportunity for exchanging marketing thoughts from the scientific and the business environment in order to promote knowledge on marketing amongst scholars by disseminating new research findings and by encouraging the evolution of new research topics. It also serves as a platform for knowledge transfer and interaction between academics and practitioners.
This thought provoking event will be a blend of different activities such as scientific paper presentations, undergraduate students' competition, best bachelor thesis competition, the biennial meeting of CROMAR as well as the traditional official dinner. The intention is not only to exchange knowledge about developments in marketing management but also to enable informal exchange and networking between delegates.
The Organizing Committee will announce the Competition for Best Student Project for Young Marketers (undergraduate students), as well as the Award for Best Bachelor Thesis in Marketing defended between the two Congresses. The awarded case studies, master thesis and/or doctoral thesis will also be presented at the Congress.
tel. +38551355169
mail. cromar07@efri.hr
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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