This area offers a wide range of continuously updated news regarding both academic and cultural events together with academic calls and study programs
This page of PECOBcontains information on academic courses related to political, social, economic and cultural issues of Central Eastern and Balkan Europe. PECOB provides information on the academic program, eligibility requirements, costs and scholarships of Ph.Ds, Masters, Summer Schools, Winter Schools, Workshops and Language courses that take place in Central Eastern and Balkan Europe or deal with these regions.
Many academic courses on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe are about to start in the next months. The Universities of Bologna and Sarajevo announced the 2012-2013 edition of the European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in Southeast Europe, to be held in the Bosnian capital. The Master of Arts Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES) will begin in September at the Faculty of Political Sciences "R. Ruffilli", University of Bologna.
The links below also highlitght the upcoming summer schools, such as the CEI summer course on EU enlargement and the new neighbourhood, organized by the Institute for Central Eastern and Balkan Europe (IECOB). Among the other schools, you can find summer courses to be held in Ukraine(on post-1991 Ukrainian politics and EU-Ukraine relations) and in Serbia(conflict studies and language courses).
The Nationalism Studies Program is organized by Central European University with the aim of engaging students in an empirical and theoretical study of issues of nationalism, self-determination, problems of state-formation, ethnic conflict, minority protection and the related theme of globalization.
In collaboration with the University of Zagreb School of Law, the Center for International and Comparative Law at Indiana University offers summer courses addressing the transition of legal systems in Central and Eastern Europe.
The Center for International and Comparative Law at Indiana University School of Law offers summer courses in Dubrovnik to deepen and better understand the legal systems of Central and Eastern Europe.
In cooperation with Northwestern University and Honors Program of UNC, the Collegium Hieronymi Pragensis organizes a six-week summer program to study and better understand the Czech culture and civilization.
The course will examine a variety of strategies to foster and support democratic and constructive dialogue, particularly focusing on "high-conflict" situations involving inter-ethnic tensions. It will be focussed on efforts in Central and Eastern Europe to promote meaningful democratic dialogue in times of national and international crisis.
The University of Kansas Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures offer students the opportunity to spend the summer in Zadar, Croatia, studying Croatian language and culture.
The University of Kansas Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Office of Study Abroad offer students the opportunity to spend the summer in Zadar, Croatia, studying Croatian language and culture.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill organizes a seminar to examine Russia after the fall of communism from different disciplinary perspectives, including art history, history, and political science.
In cooperation with Northwestern University and Honors Program of UNC, the Collegium Hieronymi Pragensis organizes a six-week summer program to study and better understand the Czech culture and civilization.