Location: Naklo, Slovenia
Period: 9 November 2007
From the geographical point of view, it is the eRegion that we can understand as being a totality of organizations - linked by eTechnologies - of nearby countries in a circle of 200 to 500 kilometers surrounding the observation point. eRegion development is aiming at increasing the competitiveness of each of the participating countries and the eRegion as a whole. The eRegions development may contribute to the Lisbon Strategy of the EU.
Faculty of Organizational Sciences
University of Maribor
Kidriceva 55a
4000 Kranj
tel. +386 (0)4 237-4291
fax. +386 (0)4 237-4365
contact person: marjeta.marolt@fov.uni-mb.si
further information: http://ecenter.fov.uni-mb.si/MerkurDay2007
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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