Location: Institute of Balkan Studies (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Period: 5.-7. July 2007
5 July, Thursday
City and Press in Austrian Galicia
Harald Binder, Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv, Ukraine
Public, Press, Town and Politics in the Bulgarian Late Nineteenth Century. What was the Bulgarian Public Sphere?
Stefan Detchev, South West University, Blagoevgrad
Teaching the Nation to be Civilised: The Magazine Halk [Populace]
Nazan Cicek, Faculty of Political Science, Ankara University
"They Are All Rotters!": Political Culture and Political Caricature in the Balkans, Late 19th and Early 20th Century
Dobrinka Parusheva, Institute of Balkan Studies, Sofia
Heinrich Zille and the politics of caricature in Berlin 1900-1929
Malcolm Gee, University of Northumbria
6 July, Friday
Lemberg, 1772-1918: Architecture, Public Space and Cultural Politics
Markian Prokopovych, Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies, CEU, Budapest
State-Building and the Rise of Religious Nationalism in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century Romania
Silviu Hariton, CEU, Budapest
Cultural Politics and Political Culture in Satu Mare 1919-1940
Anders Blomqvist, Södertörn University College, Stockholm
The Age-Value'-Theory of Alois Riegl and the Cultural-Political Construction of a National Identity in the Habsburg-Monarchy around 1900
Michael S. Falser, Vienna
Art History and the 'National Question': the Case of the Vienna School 1891-1921
Matthew Rampley, School of Arts and Media, University of Teesside
Czechoslovakia and Czech art history between nationalism and internationalism
Marta Filipova, History of Art, University of Glasgow
"Through Savage Europe" The Balkan States Exhibition, London 1907
Jill Steward, University of Northumbria
The Austro-Hungarian Palace of Culture in Sofia: the right idea on the right place in the wrong time
Rumiana Preshlenova, Institute of Balkan Studies, Sofia
7 July, Saturday
Political Culture and Cultural Politics in the Austrofascist State, 1934-1938
Julie Thorpe, University of Adelaide, Australia
Politics, Culture and the Demise of the Axis in the Balkans
Tim Kirk, University of Newcastle
Partisan Songs in the Balkans
Yannis Sygkelos, Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki
The Politics of Commemoration: National Days and National Heroes in the Balkans
Aneta Mihaylova, Institute of Balkan Studies, Sofia.
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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