Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Period: July 23rd - 24th 2007
Deadline: -
The lectures are organized into three intensive two-hour meetings,
in which the students will receive a complete view of the following aspects related to the topic:
- New & Old Wars, Civil Wars, Ethnic Conflicts, Terrorism
- Understanding Peacekeeping
- Understanding Conflict Resolution
- Case study: "Peacekeeping in the Former Yugoslavia: From Dayton Accord to Kosovo"
- The Dayton Accord
- UN/NATO operations prior to IFOR
- IFOR (implementation force)
- SFOR (stabilization force)
- The role of the media
- The Kosovo crisis: the KLA and the JA
- The Kosovo crisis: NATO's role
- On going mission in the Former Yugoslavia in 1999
- UN missions completed in the former Yugoslavia between 1995 and 1998
Dr. Giovanni Ercolani
e-mail: drercolani@yahoo.co.uk
Further information
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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