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European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe
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War Neighbours - visions and stories of jugoslav wars in 15 years

Location: Turin
Period: 6-18 April 2007

The event

15 years ago the siege in Sarajevo was tightening, the center of the world where the cohabitation of the cultures was the everyday life. The movies, photos, readings and concerts, round tables of war journalism, urban reconstruction: 6 tools to tie the thread of an interrupted talk again. Stories that make visible the disintegration and the reconstruction of a world, visions that tell human lives overtaken by the war.

The debate

Location: Aula Magna del Rettorato, Via Verdi
Date: 18 April 2007, h.16.00

"Humanitarian Aid: several successes for a failure?"
Presenting speeches: Giulio Marcon, Michele Nardelli
Moderating the event: Luca Rastello

" ...Paradoxically, in an epoch characterized by the war as a all-pervasive form of the international policy, and by the insane presence of the war propaganda in social communication, the human activity so unsure today of itself fundamentals tends to be represented as the purpose of any international action, the universalist and heroic strain to alleviate the sufferings of the oppressed of the whole world, the stigma of altruism that moves the governments to look after other's crisis, the aim of every political thought: something that has nothing more to do with the symptoms of an uneasiness and the need to alleviate, but it presents itself as a universal medicine of a world the development of which appears always less sustainable. For whom, in the world of the international civil action, doesn't agree with politics of "preventive war", "civilization crash", "humanitarian war" today dominant at the high levels of the world's politics is always more urgent to elaborate strategies, options, and autonomous, strong cultural models that can permit to distinguish clearly the civil action from the political, military and business logic that has us brought in this point. Even if it is needed to give up the recognition of a saving and heroic role, the media power and the orientation of consensus that the humanitarian action confers to organizations that have become real economic empires. With the cost, if it can be possible, to get back, at least of some steps."

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