PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Wednesday January 22, 2025
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DE.MA Master in Democratic Governance in the MENA Region


Periods: I semester: January to April 2016 in Venice-Lido, Italy / II semester: from April to July 2016 in one of the partner Universities
Application deadline: 16 November 2015


The Master in Democratic Governance is a unique programme designated to meet the needs of students, professionals and experts who want to deepen their knowledge in the field of democratic governance and human rights in the Arab world. It also aims to give practical experience needed for building up their professional career and academic activities.

The Master in Democratic Governance is:
- An intensive advanced course in the field of democracy and human rights;
- Professional Master’s Degree (60 ECTS) from Ca’ Foscari University in cooperation with the other partner Universities;
- An intensive learning combined with an action and policy-oriented approach;
- Comprised of two semesters: one in Venice and the other in a participating University;
- A supervised Master’s thesis in one of the partner universities;
- The foundation for a successful career on national, international, and non-governmental levels.

The Master in Democratic Governance has been made possible by the support of the European Union and the support of the Danish Institute for Human Rights.
It has been shaped and will be taught by high level academics, experts and practitioners from different area studies.
It targets candidates (students and professionals) with a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, experiences and motivations and will offer a multidisciplinary courses of study.

Range of high level academics, experts, officials from a variety of institutions and organisations.
Combination of theory and practice.
Transnational Mobility of students: first semester in Venice, Italy, and then second semester in one of the following universities: Birzeit University (Palestine), Saint Joseph University (Lebanon), International University of Rabat (Morocco).
Possibility to do internships in leading organisations and centres.
A unique learning and human experience for all those involved (students, professionals and faculty) to develop long-term bonds and networks with each other.

The programme consists of two semesters:
- I semester: January to April 2016 in Venice-Lido, Italy
- II semester: from April to July 2016 in one of the partner Universities

The requirements


Tuition fees amount to 3750 euro

EIUC offers financial support in the form of a partial contribution towards living expenses and/or a full or partial tuition waiver. This type of financial support is awarded to a limited number of students on the basis of academic achievement, need and geographical distribution.
Furthermore, all participants will be supported with finding accommodation and with administrative procedures for getting the visa.


The Master in Democratic Governance was created thanks to the support of international partners including the European Union (through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights) and the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

The Danish Institute for Human Rights is an independent state-funded institution. Its mandate is to promote and protect human rights and equal treatment in Denmark and abroad. Internationally, the Danish Institute works with states, independent organisations and the corporate sector, enabling them to strengthen human rights in their respective countries.

The objectives of the international mandate of the Danish Institute include:
- Contributing to the development and institutionalisation of state structures and mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights in transitional countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
- Contributing to the generation of knowledge, exchange of experience and dialogue in the field of human rights and transition in the Middle East and North Africa.

These aims are pursued by focusing on the following areas of work:
- Support NHRIs to function in accordance with the Paris Principles and actively promote and protect human rights;
- Support state human rights focal points in fulfilling their mandates, both in regard to int. obligations and nat. human rights agendas;
- Strengthen mechanisms for civil society to promote  human rights change and reform
- Generate knowledge, exchange experience, raise awareness, network to develop capacities and learning.


How to participate to the Application

Only applications submitted with the form provided below will be accepted.

The entire application, including the motivation and the CV, has to be submitted in English.
Please also include a non-certified English translation of the required proofs, if the original certificates were not issued in English, French, Spanish or Italian.
Applications will be processed on an on-going basis. The sooner you send your application the more chances you will have to be accepted in the Master in Democratic Governance.

Deadline for application: 16 November 2015.

For any problem concerning your submission, please contact the DE.MA Secretariat

Apply Now!

Information & contacts

Master in Democratic Governance
European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC)

Monastery of San Nicolò
Riviera San Nicolò 26
30126 Venice – Lido

Telephone: +39 041 2720 951
Fax: +39 041 2720 914

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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