Conference venue: University College London
Period: February 19-20, 2015
Deadline for submitting abstracts: October 17, 2014
We call for papers for a workshop on 'Popular geopolitics in Russia and post-Soviet Eastern Europe', to be held at University College London on 19-20 February 2015.
This workshop is intended to advance research into the societal or ‘popular’ dimension of geopolitics in Russia and post-Soviet Eastern Europe.
Participants are invited to tackle the following interrelated questions:
Contributions are invited from all relevant disciplines, particularly Political Science and International Relations, Geography, Anthropology, Sociology, Education and Media/Communication/Cultural Studies.
Some funding is available to assist the strongest applicants with their travel and accommodation costs. To apply, please send an abstract of 250–300 words to the workshop convener, Dr Joanna Szostek, at , by 17 October 2014. Further information about the event can be found here.
Joanna Szostek
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
+44 207 679 8776
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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