PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Sunday February 02, 2025
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Call for Fellowship Applications: 2015-2016 Russia and the West

Application Deadline: on a rolling basis, beginning in September 2014



The Transatlantic Academy is seeking candidates to serve as resident Fellows from September 2015 – June 2016 to examine the research theme “Russia and the West.” A joint project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Transatlantic Academy is located at the GMF office in Washington, DC. Each year, the Academy brings together scholars from Europe and North America to work on a single set of issues facing the transatlantic community. The Academy is an interdisciplinary institution which is open to all social science disciplines, the humanities, and the natural sciences. For more information on the Academy please visit our website.

Following several years examining the future of liberal order in both domestic and international contexts and the role of religion in foreign policy, the Academy will turn its attention to the troubled relationship between Russia and the West. It is our goal to use the Academy’s unique format bringing together multidisciplinary groups of scholars from Europe and North America to produce policy suggestions for how the transatlantic partners should move forward regarding Russia following its actions in Crimea and eastern Ukraine in 2014.

Russia’s actions in the territory of neighboring Ukraine, including occupying and annexing Crimea and fomenting an insurgency in eastern Ukraine, have created an acute challenge to the international and particularly the European liberal order. These actions followed the 2008 war between Russia and Georgia and an assertive Russian policy regarding the preservation of the Assad regime in Syria. President Putin’s actions in Ukraine have reopened all the assumptions behind Western approaches to Moscow as well as the understandings that have shaped the post-Cold War order in Europe. They have also created fissures within and between countries in Europe and North America, as Europe has deeper business and energy ties to today’s Russia, while security concerns about Russia loom larger in countries such as Poland, the Baltic States, and Georgia compared to in Germany, France, Italy, and others.

The Academy invites research proposals from academics which can deepen interdisciplinary understanding of the relationship between Russia and Europe and the United States since the end of the Cold War and link this knowledge to a range of issues, policy communities, and wider publics through interaction with shorter-term practitioner fellows as well as through a series of workshops in Washington, Berlin, and other cities.

Research Themes

The Transatlantic Academy Fellows will spend the year both conducting their individual research and developing a collaborative research project which will result in a series of policy papers offering a Russia policy roadmap for North American and European governments as well as for the private sector and non-governmental organizations. The Academy invites proposals for research on one or more of the following questions:


A minimum of four senior and two postdoctoral scholars, three from Europe and three from North America, will work in a collaborative environment from September 7, 2015 to June 10, 2016. Applicants who combine academic excellence with practical field or policy experience will have an advantage. Fellows will be expected to present their own research and to react to the work of their colleagues on a regular basis while at the Academy. They will also be expected to discuss their research with policymakers, non-governmental organizations and other policy-oriented institutions, both in the United States and Europe. In addition to a generous monthly stipend, Fellows will receive travel expenses to and from the Academy.

Applicants for Senior Fellowships must have a PhD and professional experience equivalent to that of an Associate Professor. Applicants for Postdoctoral Fellowships must have completed their PhD within the last five years. The Academy offers two Postdoctoral Fellowships. One of them, the Volkswagen Stiftung Fellowship, is reserved for promising young scholars based at German institutions working in a specific field of the humanities. Applications for this fellowship must be made directly to the Volkswagen Stiftung. More information on this application process can be found on the Stiftung’s website. Applicants for the other Postdoctoral Fellowship should apply directly to the Academy.

How to Apply

Applications from a variety of disciplines, to include history, economics, political science, and legal studies, will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning in September 2014 with offers made no later than December 2014. Applications for fellowships can be downloaded from the Academy’s website.
Applicantsfor Volkswagen Stiftung Fellowships must be made via the Volkswagen Stiftung.


Information & contacts

Jessica Hirsch
tel.: 202-683-2644

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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