The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), is a Vienna-based regional, non-governmental, non-profit network of editors, media executives and leading journalists from newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations, news agencies and new media in South, East and Central Europe. SEEMO aims to create a bridge between international media activities and the media developments in the region.
SEEMO was founded in October 2000 in Zagreb, Croatia, by a group of leading editors-in-chief, media executives and professors of journalism and communications from South, East and Central Europe, in the presence of representatives of international institutions and with financial support of the International Press Institute (IPI). SEEMO has over 100 editors-in-chief, media executives and leading journalists from South East Europe as individual members, and over 100 media outlets and institutions as corporate members.
SEEMO actively cooperates with international, regional and national governmental and non-governmental organisations and institutions. SEEMO also actively cooperates with other international press freedom and media organisations, and it supports and participates in joint regional and international projects and activities.
SEEMO has several international and national governmental organisations and institutions as project partners, like the Austrian Development Agency – Austrian Development Cooperation, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, and the Central European Initiative (CEI). SEEMO has an ongoing project-cooperation with a number of foundations, universities, media schools and media companies. Over the past few years, SEEMO has coordinated several media monitoring projects in South East and Central Europe, and has also organised several pieces of media research.
SEEMO protects press freedom by providing assistance to journalists and media outlets in South East Europe. Over 60 per cent of SEEMO’s press releases and letters of protest to governmental and other officials have had positive results in the past. Every SEEMO protest is distributed to leading regional and international media, national and international governmental and non-governmental organisations, politicians, and also public persons and institutions.
SEEMO also produces a number of publications, including a quarterly media magazine called De Scripto (in collaboration with the University of Vienna), the South East Europe Media Handbook (an annual publication covering media developments in SEE), among other works published on a case-by-case basis.
Available languages: English
South East Europe Media Organisation
+41 22 54 83 798 (Geneva)
+40 31 226 336 4 (Bucharest)
+1 917 512 29 19 (New York)
+43 1 229 73 43 (Vienna)
Click here to visit SEEMO's website
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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