PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Friday January 31, 2025
Testata per la stampa

Beyond the Balkans

Toward an Inclusive History of Southeastern Europe

edited by: Sabine Rutar
: LIT Verlag
date of publication: 1 January 2014
pp: 500
ISBN: 978-3-643-10658-2
price: €49.90

Front Cover

Beyond the Balkans offers new perspectives on Southeast European history, envisaging the region's history as an integral part of European and global history. Debates about the mental map of "the Balkans" as the negative alter ego of the "the West" (Maria Todorova) and about the construction of the Balkans as a historical space sui generis (Holm Sundhaussen) provide points of departure. The essays treat an exemplary, yet broad set of topics designed to open up idle fields of research. They foster common and coherent methodological lines and establish a new agenda for future research.


Table of Contents

Sabine Rutar: Introduction: Beyond the Balkans

Part I: Space and Temporality, Entanglement and Transfer

1. John Breuilly: Nationalism and the Balkans: A Global Perspective
2. Diana Mishkova: On the Space-Time Constitution of Southeastern Europe
3. Guido Franzinetti: Irish and Eastern European Questions
4. Vangelis Kechriotis: Requiem for the Empire: “Elective Affinities” Between the Balkan States and the Ottoman Empire in the Long 19th Century
5. Augusta Dimou: Towards a Social and Cultural History of Cooperative Associations in Interwar Bulgaria
6. Wim van Meurs: The Burden of Universal Suffrage and Parliamentary Democracy in (Southeastern) Europe
7. Helke Stadtland: Sakralisierte Nation und säkularisierte Religion: Beispiele aus dem Westen und Norden Europas
8. Katrin Boeckh: Perspektiven einer Religions- und Kirchengeschichte des südöstlichen Europas: Netze über Raum und Zeit

Part II: Approaching Agency

9. Y. Hakan Erdem: Turks as Soldiers in Mahmud II’s Army: Turning the Evlad-ı Fatihan into Regulars in the Ottoman Balkans
10. Stefano Petrungaro: Fire and Honour. On the Comparability of Popular Protests in late 19th Century Croatia-Slavonia
11. Borut Klabjan: Puzzling (Out) Citizenship and Nationality: Czechs in Trieste before and after the First World War
12. Vesna Drapac: Catholic Resistance and Collaboration in the Second World War: From Master Narrative to Practical Application
13. Sabine Rutar: Towards a Southeast European History of Labour: Examples from Yugoslavia

Part III: Creating Meaning

14. Stefan Rohdewald: Nationale Identitäten durch Kyrill und Method: Diskurse, Praktiken und Akteure ihrer Verehrung unter den Südslawen bis 1945
15. Stefan Ihrig: “Why Them and Not Us?” The Kreuzzeitung, the German Far Right, and the Turkish War of Independence, 1919-1923
16. Amaia Lamikiz Jauregiondo: Maintaining Alternative Memories under an Authoritarian Regime: Basque Cultural Associations in the 1960s and Early 1970s
17. Falk Pingel: Begegnungen mit einem Kulturkampf. Notizen zur internationalen Bildungsintervention in Bosnien und Herzegowina
18. Vanni D’Alessio: Divided and Contested Cities in Modern European History. The Example of Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina

View an online preview of this book here

About the Editor

Dr. Sabine Rutar is Senior Research Associate at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg. She studied History as well as English and Romance languages and literature in Münster and Rome (M. A. 1995). In 1992 she obtained a Masters Degree in Education from Carthage College, Kenosha/WI. She obtained her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence (2001) and worked at the Georg-Eckert-Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig (2001/02), and at the Institute for Social Movements in Bochum (DFG, 2003-2007). 2004/05 she taught Southeast European History at Basel University. 2007/08 she was a Feodor-Lynen-scholar of the Humboldt Foundation at the University of Koper. Since February 2008 she has been working at the Institute for Southeast European Studies, Regensburg; she is the Managing Editor of Südosteuropa. Since April 2011 she has been a post-doc fellow in the international joint project “Physical Violence and State Legitimacy in Late Socialism” (Centre for Contemporary History). In 2011, she held guest professorships at the universities of Koper and Ljubljana. 2012/13 she worked as reserch fellow at Imre Kértesz Kolleg in Jena and Centre for Contemporary History in Potsdam.

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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