Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna
Wednesday January 22, 2025
Svetlana Sigova's profile
Affiliation: Petrozavodsk State University
Full title: Doctor of Economics
Address: Berezovaya alleya, 25-34
185014 Republic Karelia Petrozavodsk Russia
Tel.: 007.921.728.51.30
Fax: 007.814.278.3302
Main scientific activities
- Analysis and forecast of education services and labour market development
- Anticipation skills needs in hi-tech industry
- Higher scientific qualification personnel training with regard to priority areas of science and technologies.
- Applied budgetary analysis in the field of science and education.
Books and other main pubblications
- Sigova S. Compensation of staff shortage in the labor market of the Russian Federation. - Petrozavodsk: PetrSU, 2009, 181 p.
- Sigova S., Gurtov V. Budgetary financing of science and education in the regions of the Russian Federation. - M.: "Economy", 2008, 360 p.
- Gurtov V., Kolesov A., Revaikin A., Sigova S. Budgetary policy and intergovernmental relations in the Russian regions. - Moscow: Finances, 2007, 467 p.
- Vasiliev V., Gurtov V., Serova L., Sigova S. Labor market and the market of educational services in the Russian regions. - Moscow: Technosphere, 2006, 380 p. Gurtov V., Berezin L., Sigova S. Economic development priorities of the in the Russian regions. - Moscow: "Kuchkovo pole ", 2005, 369 p.
Main recent articles
- Sigova S.V. Benefits and drawbacks of competence-based approach implementation in Russia: comparing with better world practice // New IT and quality management. - М.: ООО «Аrt-flash». - 2012. - p. 159-161.
- Kekkonen A.L., Sigova S.V. Anticipating hard skills // High education in Russia - 2011. №12 - c. 61-74.
- Kekkonen A.L., Sigova S.V. Competency building approach as the basis of lifelong education in the context of an innovation-driven economy / Lifelong Learning: Continious Education for Sustainable Development: proc. of the 10th Anniversary int. coop./ arr. N.A. Lobanov; sci. ed. N.A. Lobanov, V.N. Skvortsov; Pushkin LSU, Res. Inst. Soc.-Econ. and Ped. Probl. of Lifelong Learn.: in 2 pts.: paral. ed. - Vol. 10. - SPb.: Puskin LSU, 2012. - Part 1 - pp. 264-265 (324 p.)
Other pubblications
- Sigova S. Improved balance of the Russian labor market / / Social Policy and Social Partnership. - 2010. - № 5
- Sigova S. Dynamics of the labor market in a slowdown / / Social Policy and Social Partnership. - 2009. - № 5
- Vasiliev V., Gurtov V., Sigova S. Scientific and personnel support of innovative economic development in the Far North / / Staff - 2009. - № 10.
- Sigova S. What is the cost to prepare specialists with professional education / / Staff. - 2008. - № 9.
- Gurtov V., Sigova S. Subpopulation of students and government guarantees / / Higher education in Russia. - 2006. - № 6.
- Gurtov V., Sigova S. Forecasting of budget needs financing of education in the three-year budget for 2008-2010 / / Problems of Forecasting. - 2008. - № 3.
- Gurtov V., Sigova S. The budget provision of education in Russian regions / / Regionologiya. - 2008. - № 2.
- Sigova S. Staff and resource potential for provision of economics innovation development // Social impact of the global financial crisis / Moscow: Publishing House of the RAPA, 2009
- Anticipating skills demand in hi-tech industry (2011-2013)
- Montiroing of employment and career development of graduates from tertiary and secondary vocational education (2011-2013)
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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