PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Sunday January 05, 2025
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Russian 2012: language & culture & society

Venue: Bolzano (Italy)
Period: Jun. 25 - Jul. 6, 2012


The event Russian 2012: language & culture & society will take place in Bolzen in June and July 2012.  Russian 2012 is organized by Rus’, a local cultural association whose objective is to spread the knowledge and understanding of Russian and Slavonic culture.
The program of Russian 2012 includes conferences, debated and Russian language courses.
During Russian 2012, two intensive Russian language courses will be held: one general language course and one specific course on “Conversation and Russian for business”.  Classes will last from June 25 until July 11, and will be conducted by mother-language teachers. The teaching approach is based upon interactivity and group work .
Moreover, within the framework of Russian 2012, a conference on “The Russian Berlin” will be organized on June 25 with the participation of Prof. Gian Piero Piretto (University of Milan).  Key events in the history of the relationship between Berlin and Russia, from the tsarist period until the Cold War and the contemporary period. This conference will be followed by a second one, to be held on June 29, on Russia and the Russians. Four local business men explain why is it crucial to learn more about Russian culture and Russian language. Finally, on July 5, Macro Dinelli (professor and translator) will discuss the complex relationship between culture and politics in Russia.

How to participate to the Event

For more information on the Russian language courses and how to register, please contact alpha beta piccadilly, via Talvera 1A – Bolzano, tel. 0039.0471.978600, e-mail:

Organizer and Partners

Information & contacts

Associazione culturale Rus'
address: via Carducci 2/G/33 – Bolzano
tel.: 0039.0471.979328

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