PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Thursday January 09, 2025
Testata per la stampa

Professor/Associate Professor of Russian literature/culture at the University of Tromsø

Venue: Tromsø (Norway)
Application deadline
: Jun. 26, 2012

Description of the position

The University of Tromsø, Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, has a position vacant as Professor/Associate Professor of Russian literature/culture. The position is attached to the Department of Culture and Literature
Russian literature plays a fundamental role for the understanding of Russian culture, language, history and society. The academic staff in Russian literature/culture at UiT wish to uphold a complete study in Russian literature through a close cooperation with studies in language and political science. Courses in literature are supposed to serve as a satisfactory foundation for specializing within Russian literature and at the same time support language-studies as well as the understanding of Russian culture and society, history and the present, in a broader perspective.
The academic staff in Russian literature/culture have responsibility for teaching Russian literature/culture within the Bachelor program in Language and Literature, the Master program in Russian Literature, the Bachelor program in Language and Economics and also within the multidisciplinary Bachelor- and Master program in Russian Studies.
The person appointed to the position must take part in the compulsory teaching of Russian literature/culture at all levels (bachelor, master and PhD), and applicants should document broad scientific qualifications within these fields.

How to apply to the position



The general requirement for appointment as a professor is an academic level conforming to established international or national standards within Russian literature/culture. In order to be awarded a professorship, applicants shall be able to document substantially more extensive research of high quality than that required to attain a doctorate degree.
For appointment as førsteamanuesis (Associate Professor), the applicant requires:
• Norwegian doctoral degree in the subject area concerned or a corresponding foreign doctoral degree recognised as equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree
• competence at a corresponding level documented by academic work of the same scope and quality.

Further, applicants must be able to document teaching qualifications in the form of university-level teaching seminars, other teaching education or through having developed a teaching portfolio. Alternatively, after carrying out an assessment of the applicant’s practical teaching skills, the committee may determine that this may be regarded as of equal value to formal teaching qualifications. For further information about requirements for teaching qualifications, refer to the website about teacher training courses.
Emphasis shall be attached to personal suitability.
Applicants who do not speak Norwegian or another Scandinavian language, must be willing to learn Norwegian within a period of approximately three years from the date of commencement.

Application Procedure

The applicants will be assessed by an expert committee. The committee’s mandate is to undertake an assessment of the applicants’ qualifications based on the written material presented by the applicants, and the detailed description drawn up for the position.
The applicants who are assessed as the best qualified will be called to an interview. The interview shall among other things aim to clarify the applicant’s personal suitability for the position. A trial lecture may also be held.
For more information on how to apply, please visit follow this link.


Information & contacts

Yngvar Steinholt
Associate Professor, The University of Tromsø
address: Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
N-9037 Tromsø (Norway)

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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