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East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Daniel Flaut's profile

Daniel Flaut's picture

Affiliation: "Ovidius"  University of Constanta, Faculty of History and Political Sciences
Full title: Associate Professor
Address: Aleea Universitatii nr. 1, Corp A, cam. 112
900697 Constanta - Romania
Tel.: 0040.0722.819022


Main scientific activities

  • Daniel Flaut is Associate Professor at the Faculty of History and Political Sciences of the “Ovidius” University of Constanţa. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Medieval History and History of International Relations.
  • Since 2010, he is Director of the Eurasian Studies Center, a national research center of the "Ovidius" University of Constanţa,  accredited by the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education.
  • At the same time, he is member in the Scientific Committee of the journal "Orizonturi istoriografice" (Historiographic Horizons), edited by the School of PhD Studies in History, "Ovidius" University of Constanţa (since 2010); scientific referee at "Libris Publishing House”, Braşov (since 2010); editor-in-chief of "Revista Română de Studii Eurasiatice'' (Romanian Review of Eurasian Studies), edited by the Eurasian Studies Center, "Ovidius" University of Constanţa (since 2008); member in the Scientific Committee of the journal  "Analele Universităţii Ovidius  Constanţa, seria istorie” (Annals of the Ovidius University of Constanţa, history series) (since 2005).

Books and other main pubblications

  • The international political system of the Romanian Countries (1672-1699), Ed. Ovidius University Press, Constanţa, 2005, 275 p. +6 pl. color.
  • Evul mediu apusean (secolele V-XV). Repere cronologice (Western Europe in the Middle Ages (5th -15th centuries). Chronological landmarks) Ed. Ex Ponto, Constanţa, 2002, 136 p.
  • Arheologie medievală română (Romanian Medieval Archaeology), Ed. Ovidius University Press, Constanţa, 2004, 369 p. +21 pl. (with Panait I. Panait).
  • Wallachia between tradition and modernity: Alexandru Ipsilanti reforms, in From kaftan to redingote. The Romanian world from exotism to modernism (17th-20th centuries), Ed. Cetatea de Scaun, Târgovişte,  2011, p. 23-32.
  • The international political situation and the Romanian Countries (1676-1681), in Relaţii internaţionale şi istorie. Omagiu profesorului Constantin Buşe (International Relations and History. Tribute to the Professor Constantin Buşe) (coord. Constantin Hlihor), Ed. Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2009, p.  360-366.
  • Contributions to the research of the Dobrudja's demography (18th-19th centuries), in Dobrudja: A Cross Cultural Pool. A Multi-ethnic Space,  Ed. Cetatea de Scaun, Târgovişte, 2007, p. 9-22.
  • Contribuţii la istoria etniei germane din Dobrogea (Contributions to the history of the Germans from Dobrudja), in Germanii dobrogeni. Istorie şi civilizaţie (Dobrudjan Germans. History and Civilization),   Ed. Muntenia, Constanţa, 2006, p. 103-108.
  • The Romanians and the Siege of Vienna 1683, in Omagiu profesorului Nicolae V. Dură la 60 de ani (Tribute to the Professor Nicolae V. Dură at 60 years anniversary), Ed. Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului, Constanţa, 2006, p. 666-670.
  • River and Maritime Commercial Roads by the Black Sea in the 15th century, in Studii istorice dobrogene (Dobrudjan Historical Studies), Ed. Ovidius University Press, Constanţa, 2003, p. 77-84.
  • Gheorghe Duca-hatmanul Ucrainei (Gheorghe Duca-The hetman of Ukraine) in Istorie şi diplomaţie în relaţiile internaţionale. Omagiu istoricului Tahsin Gemil (History and diplomacy in the international relations. Tribute to the historian Tahsin Gemil), Ed. Ovidius University Press, Constanţa, 2003, p. 313-318.

Edited Books

  • From kaftan to redingote. The Romanian world from exotism to modernism (17th-20th centuries), Ed. Cetatea de Scaun, Târgovişte,  2011, 190 p. (with Iolanda Ţighiliu and Marian Cojoc).
  • Tahsin Gemil, Regimul timariot şi aplicarea lui în ţinuturile româneşti administrate de Poarta Otomană, Ed. Ovidius University Press, Constanţa, 2005, 148 p.
  • Istorie şi diplomaţie în relaţiile internaţionale. Omagiu istoricului Tahsin Gemil (History and diplomacy in the international relations. Tribute to the historian Tahsin Gemil), Ed. Ovidius University Press, Constanţa, 2003, 460 p. (with Iolanda Ţighiliu).

Main recent articles

  • The Polish-Austrian rivalry for the Romanian Countries suzerainty (1685-1686), in "Revista Română de Studii Eurasiatice" (subsequently referred to as  "RRSE''), an VII,  nr. 1-2/2011, p. 63-84.
  • After the Battle of Kahlenberg. The Romanians in Central and Eastern European policy (1683-1684), in "RRSE'', an VI, nr. 1-2/2010, p. 33-50.
  • Arheologia subacvatică (Underwater Archaeology), in "Analele Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa, seria istorie”, vol. 3/2006, Constanţa, 2010, p. 9-18.
  • The Romanian Countries in european political context. From the Truce of  Bakhchisarai (1681) to the Siege of Vienna (1683), in  "RRSE", an V, nr. 1-2/2009, p.  41-56.
  • The relationships between the State and the Church in the Romanian Countries (14th -18th centuries), in "RRSE'', an IV, nr. 1-2/2008, p. 49-64.
  • Arabii şi începuturile criptografiei (The Arabs and the beginnings of Cryptography), in "RRSE'', an IV, nr. 1-2/2008, p. 123-130 (with Cristina Flaut).
  • Some aspects of the internal political life in Syria (1946-1963), in "RRSE'', an III, nr. 1-2/2007, p. 187-198.
  • The Romanian Countries in the international political context (1672-1676), in "RRSE'', an II,  nr. 1-2/2006, p. 57-71.
  • Patriarchs of Antioch in the Romanian Countries (16th and 17th centuries), in "RRSE'',  an I,  nr. 1/2005, p. 167-172.

Other pubblications

  • Cercetările arheologice de la cetatea  Hârşova. Campania 1995 (The archaeological research of the fortress of Hârsova. Campaign of the year 1995), in  "Pontica”, XXVIII-XXIX, 1995-1996, Constanţa, 1997, p. 121-134 (with Panait I. Panait, Adrian Rădulescu, A. Ştefănescu).


  • Grant supported by the National Cultural Found Administration (section National Cultural Heritage): Tulcea 1878-1948: memoria unui oraş (Tulcea 1878-1948: The memory of a City), Eco-Museum Research Institute  Tulcea,  "Ovidius" University of  Constanţa (2012).
  • Grant supported by the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education (CNCSIS), no. 1079/2005: Între Orient şi Occident. Spaţiul românesc, punte interculturală de la tradiţie la modernitate (Between Orient and Occident. The Romanian space, intercultural bridge from tradition to modernity),  "Ovidius"  University of  Constanţa (2005-2007).

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