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Refractions of the Self: Forms and Genres of Autobiographies and Memoirs in Russian Culture of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Venue: Padua (Italy)
Period: Apr. 18, 2012


The conference "Refractions of the Self: Forms and Genres of Autobiographies and Memoirs in Russian Culture of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries", is organized by the Department of Language and Literature Studies of the University of Padua. The conference will take place on April 18, 2012 and will host international speakers coming from universities all over Europe.


9.00 Opening and official greetings

9.15 Claudia Criveller, University of Padua Lo studio della scrittura dell’io nella letteratura russa: introduzione ai lavori

First session. Chair: Alexandra Smith

9.45 Tatiana Saburova, Omskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Коллективная автобиография: “поколение 1880-х” в воспоминаниях и переписке А.В. Амфитеатрова

10.15 Elena Grechanaia, Université d’Orléans Французский язык как средство самоизображения: неизданный дневник Анастасии Хлюстиной (в замужестве Сиркур)

10.45 Alexey Kholikov, Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Автобиографическая заметка Д.С. Мережковского как механизм самозапечатления в культурной памяти
11.15 Coffee break

Second session. Chair: Roberta De Giorgi

11.45 Patrizia Deotto, University of Trieste L’autobiografia su commissione: definizione di un genere

12.15 Francesca Lazzarin, University of Padua «Sny, kak vospominanija, i vospominanija kak sny». La trasfigurazione della Pietroburgo d’inizio secolo nelle “memorie” di Georgij Ivanov e Michail Zenkevič

12.45 Discussion

13.15 Lunch break

Third session
. Chair: Elena Grechanaia

14.30 Alexandra Smith, University of Edinburgh Marina Tsvetaeva’s autobiographical essays on Russian Symbolists as an exercise in contemporary canon formation

15.00 Catherine Viollet - ITEM, CNRS-ENS, Paris Evphrosinia Kersnovskaia: représentation du GULAG à travers le dialogue texte / image

15.30 Natalia Rodigina, Novosibirskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet, Tatiana Saburova, Omskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet «О себе я стараюсь говорить поменьше, но все-таки говорю»:
самоидентификация и память в русском женском автобиографическом письме первой половины ХХ века

16.00 Coffee break

Fourth session
. Chair: Patrizia Deotto

16.30 Raffaella Vassena, University of Milan Elementi autobiografici nel Dnevnik pisatelja di F. M. Dostoevskij

17.00 Roberta De Giorgi, University of Udine Storia di una corrispondenza: l’epistolario Tolstoj-Čertkov 1883-1910

17.30 Andrea Gullotta, University of Padua Lagernaja memuaristika: considerazioni preliminari per una definizione di genere

18.00 Discussion


Information & contacts

Dr. Andrea Gullotta
Department of Language and Literature Studies, University of Padua
address: Via Beldomandi, 1
35137 Padua (Italy)
tel.: 0039.333.8451709; 0039.327.0446594

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