Venue: London (UK)
Period: Apr. 27, 2012
Welcoming Strangers is an international, interdisciplinary postgraduate conference that will take place at Royal Holloway, University of London.
This unique event draws together cutting-edge research from a wide spectrum of disciplines by from postgraduates all over the world. The aim is to promote interdisciplinary dialogue, catalyse debate, bring new perspectives, and pose new questions to some of the most pressing and exciting issues surrounding migration, mobility, identity, and globalisation.
The event will involve keynotes from two of the world’s eminent authorities on themes engaged by this conference: Professor Robin Cohen (University of Oxford) and Professor Stephanie Donald (RMIT Melbourne, Australia).
To assist with the costs of the event, participants will have to pay a nominal registration fee (£16).
The payment and registration can be made online at the following link:
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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