Venues: Venice
Period(s): Jun. 28 - Jul. 7, 2012
Application deadline: Apr. 30, 2012
Complete information about the type of person who is eligible to apply to the program, which background knowledge they must possess, etc.
The Venice School of Human Rights is tailored around postgraduate students from all academic backgrounds, students from the different regional masters in human rights and democratisation, to E.MA alumni as well as to human rights practitioners willing to deepen and improve their knowledge in human rights issues.
Participation is open to participants from all countries of the world with a strong knowledge of human rights. In the selection of participants, the School lies great emphasis on interdisciplinarity and gender equality. The School will review applications on an ongoing basis. This way, EIUC aims to give participants as much time as possible for the organisation of visa, travelling and accommodation.
Applications should include the official application form (available here), motivation letter, C.V., and a scanned copy of your university degrees and transcripts. All materials should be submitted via email: veniceschool[at]
Monastery of San Nicolò
Riviera San Nicolò 26
30126 Venice – Lido, Italy
tel.: 0039.041.2720.930
fax: 0039.041.2720.914
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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