The present paper deals with three crises which occurred in 2004, 2007 and 2010 between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus regarding energy matters (gas & oil prices and transit fees). The approach is both political and economic and it uses a comparative point of view, referring to the Russia-Ukraine gas disputes and various other key events which played a role in the events taken into consideration.
The basic findings of the paper are that the first two crises (2004 and 2007) can be explained first for economic reasons and secondarily with political motivations, while for the third crisis in 2010 more serious political implications emerge.
I. Introduction
II. Belarus, Europe's "Ghost Nation"
III. Belarus' Integration with a Changing Russia
IV. The Putin Era
V. The 2004, 2007, and 2010 Crises
VI. Interpretation and Comparative Analysis
VII. Future Scenarios
Ver.: 01
Timestamp: 201202201233
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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