edited by: Francesco Leoncini
original title (in Italian): L’Europa del disincanto. Dal ’68 praghese alla crisi del neoliberismo
published by: Rubettino
pp: 208
ISBN: 9788849831351
price: € 15,00
The originality of the articles in this volume can be found in the search, through the examination of specific cases, for the profound motivations and origins of the process of progressive deconstruction of ideas and society that led to the end of the Soviet bloc and Yugoslavia. At the same time the enormous problems (nationalist tensions and disintegration of these countries, and the destruction of welfare), are examined. These problems subsequently emerged to generate a sort of “cruel nostalgia” for the past, not only in the East. The failure of neoliberalism laid bare all the contradictions that had accumulated over the course of these years in European societies, attacked by corruption and the arbitrary and oligarchist management of the economy, while the Chinese communist dictatorship ended up being the model for organizing labour. This has provoked extreme rightist populist tendencies but also a strong reawakening of that Zivilcourage that in its own time led to the mobilization of the masses against the governments of the countries of “real socialism”. This Europe, and particularly its youth, no longer believes in the current ruling classes, which have reduced democracy to a mere formality, to empty noise, and from disenchantment is rapidly moving towards anger and indignation.
Francesco Leoncini, L’Europa neoliberista ovvero la seconda sconfitta della Primavera di Praga
Giuseppe Goisis, Un crudele rimpianto. Riflessioni dai territori della Ostalgia
Giovanni Bernardini, Un’Europa a misura d’uomo: Primavera di Praga e Ostpolitik
Andrea Griffante, Un passato troppo presente: Stato e identita politica nella Lituania post comunista
Alberto Tronchin, L’89 cecoslovacco, tra storia e memoria
Gabriella Fusi, Dal ≪socialismo di Stato≫ alla trasformazione neocapitalista: il caso ceco
Stefano Lusa, La Slovenia vent’anni dopo. Uno sguardo retrospettivo e il ritorno del partigiano
Gernot Wapler, L’unificazione dimezzata
Massimo Armellini, L’Europa del futuro sara Eurussia o non sara.Le occasioni mancate del ’68 e dell’89
Valentine Lomellini, I comunisti italiani e la ≪rinascita≫ di Dubček. Una reciproca opportunità
Michelle Campagnolo Bouvier, La Societe Europeenne de Culture: 60 anni di costante impegno attraverso le diverse stagioni
Indice dei nomi
Gli Autori
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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