Affiliation: Stockholm University Full title: Associate Professor E-mail:
Main scientific activities
Most of my research is closely connected to the historical heritage that Sweden has from its contacts with the Russian Empire in past centuries - a heritage that is manifested in the biggest collections of older Russian documents that exist outside of Russia. Between 1995 and 2009, I was working on the project Novgorodiana Stockholmiensia, which resulted in a catalogue of the so-called Novgorod Occupation Archives, which are kept at the National Archives in Stockholm.
Watermarks in the Inspection books of the Novgorod Occupation Archives (conncted with a larger project, which has started in Sankt Petersburg).
"Kosjkin's Phrase Book". Publication of the first Russian-Swedish phrase book, created in the 1690s for Russian merchants who were trading in Stockholm.
"The Palmquist Album". Edition of a travel account from an embassy to Moscow in 1673-1674.
Books and other main pubblications
Slavonic Parchment Fragments in Sweden. I. Paroemiarion, Triodion, Psalter. Stockholm 1984
Choždenie igumena Daniila v Svjatuju Zemlju. Rukopis’ Stokgol’mskoj Korolevskoj Biblioteki. [Igumen Daniils pilgrimsfärd till det Heliga landet. En handskrift på Kungliga biblioteket i Stockholm.] Edsbruk 1993.
Accounts of an occupied city. Catalogue of the Novgorod Occupation Archives. Part 1. Together with Laila Nordquist. Stockholm 2005.
Accounts of an occupied city. Catalogue of the Novgorod Occupation Archives. Part 2. Together with Laila Nordquist.Stockholm 2009.
Заметки о России, сделанные Эриком Пальмквистом в 1674 году. [In print.] Together with Ulla Birgegård and Laila Nordquist.