by Michele Tempera
After the first steps in the economic orientation towards the West, in the 1990s under the European political and financial influence, east European countries developed their transport systems with a systematic policy of integration with the western part of the continent. In this context, an essential factor that has decisively contributed to the development of airline routes between Emilia Romagna (an Italian region) and eastern Europe is trade (coupled with migrations). To respond to the demand for routes between the two geographic areas concerned, the Emilia Romagna region has three civilian and commercial airports, in Bologna, Forlì and Rimini, all concentrated in the central and southeastern part of the region.
Original title: Assesment and outlook for air traffic between Eastern Europe and Emilia Romagna
The italian version of this article can be found here
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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