(published in: May, 2015)
The SAAs the EU signed with the South East Europe Countries (SEE) in the pre-accession framework are the main tool to enhance the harmonization of SEE legal orders with the European standards.
(published in: Jul, 2017)
This article analyzes the interests of the Italian Republic in the Arctic. Despite the geographical remoteness of Italy from the Arctic, the interest of the Italians to the Arctic cooperation due to historical reasons: the Italians were involved in the study of the Arctic since the late XIX century.
(published in: Oct, 2012)
Questo lavoro propone un’analisi per la lettura guidata di "Miriam", un racconto di Ivan Klíma, nella traduzione in italiano.
"Miriam" è il primo dei sei racconti della raccolta I miei primi amori che con I miei allegri mattini e I miei mestieri d’oro costituisce un "trittico" interamente autobiografico...
(published in: Nov, 2014)
I recenti sviluppi nel dibattito politico-intergovernativo a livello europeo sembrano portare all’attenzione un nuovo concetto che ė stato più volte indicato come nuovo principio cardine nelle relazioni europee: la flessibilità nell’applicazione delle regole comunitarie.
(published in: Dec, 2012)
La proclamazione della legge marziale in Polonia, il 13 dicembre 1981, provocò una reazione alquanto moderata da parte del governo italiano, limitatasi alla manifestazione di “ansia e preoccupazione” per la situazione in Polonia, espressa dal ministro degli affari esteri Emilio Colombo...
(published in: Jan, 2013)
The paper aims to analyze the current Balkans electricity market dynamics, considering the latest policies and trends related to the transition process in the area.
Actually, a very close relation among economic development, human development and electricity availability is evident. Therefore, it seems necessary to verify the effectiveness of a free market based on utility’s free price and orientated just towards market conditions.
(published in: Mar, 2014)
The paper offers an analysis of the intellectual activism in Yugoslavia in the decades prior to the armed conflicts and the dissolution of the federal state – early 1970s to the late 1980s.
(published in: Apr, 2011)
The article analyses in a comparative and qualitative prospective the Albanian party system in the twenty years of post-communist transition. It intends to give a detailed panorama and trace the process of Albanian electoral systems, and...
(published in: Jan, 2016)
The USSR collapse in 1991 marked a new era in the Eurasian geopolitics, which was characterized by western domination and socio-economic transformation often referred to as post-communism. The cold war seemed to be over, with US and its European NATO allies celebrating the victory over the communist bloc.
(published in: May, 2015)
Reforms in Eastern Europe, launched in the early 1990s, have touched upon all spheres of former communist societies, but their greatest impact has been on politics and economies.