PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
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East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Yoji Koyama's profile

Yoji Koyama's picture

Affiliation: Niigata University
Full title: Professor Emeritus
Address: Ikarashi 2-8050 - Niigata - Japan
Tel.: +81-258-35-5466
Fax: +81-258-35-5464


Main scientific activities

  • Member of the Japan Association for Comparative Economic Studies, Member of the Board (1981-83 and 1989-93)
  • Member of the Japan Association for Russian and East European Studies, Member of the Board (2003-2009)
  • Member of the Japan Society for Slavic and East European Studies, Member of the Board (1988-present)
  • Member of the European Association for Comparative Economic System
  • Participated and made presentation at the 6th ICCEES World Congress, held in Tampere in 2000 and the 7th ICCEES World Congress, held in Berlin in 2005 and many other international conferences.

Books and other main pubblications

  • Nan To'oh Keizai Zusetsu [South East European Economy: Illustration by Figures and Tables], 64p, Tokyo: Toyo Shoten, 2010. (in Japanese)
  • Transition, European Integration and Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern European Countries, 236pp +vi, Niigata University Scholars Series, Vol.9, Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, Niigata University, 2008.
  • To'oh no Keizai to Bizinesu [Economy and Business in Eastern Europe], 286p+xiv, joint authorship with Dr. Eiko Tomiyama, Tokyo: Soseisha, 2007. (in Japanese)
  • EU no Toho Kakudai to Nan To'oh: Shijo Keizaika to Shokoku no Ikinokori Senryaku [EU's Eastward Enlargement and South Eastern Europe: Transition to a Market Economy and Small Countries' Strategies for Survival], 272p+xiv, Kyoto: Minerva Shobo, 2004. (in Japanese)
  • South Eastern Europe in Transition: A Quest for Stabilization of the Regime after the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia, 218+vi, Niigata University Scholars Series, Vol.1, Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, Niigata University, 2003.
  • Yugo Jishukanri Shakaishugi no Kenkyu: 1974 Nen Kenpoh Taisei no Dohtai [A Study of Yugoslav Self-managed Socialism: Movement of the Regime of the 1974 Constitution], 374p+xviii, Tokyo: Taga Shuppan, 1996.  (in Japanese)

Edited Books

  • To'oh Keizai [East European Economy], 284p+x, Kyoto: Sekai Shisosha, 1999. (in Japanese)
  • Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia in the Era of the Pacific Rim, 136p, Faculty of Economics, Niigata University, 1997.
  • APEC Jidai heno Senryaku: Kan Nihonkai Ken no ShinKyokumen [Strategies toward the Era of APEC: A New Phase of the Japan Sea Rim], 226p+vi, Tokyo: Yushindo, 1996. (in Japanese)

Main recent articles

  • Economic Crisis in the Baltic States: Focusing on Latvia, Economic Annals (published by the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade), No. 186, pp. 89-114, 2010.
  • Transition and European Integration of Bulgaria and Romania: Overcoming Negative Legacies from the Past and New Challenges, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol.III, No.6, pp.55-69, 2007.
  • Slovenia's Competitiveness and the Small Country's Development Strategy: Its Enigma and an Explanation, Paper presented at the International Competitiveness "Future Competitiveness of EU and Its Eastern Neighbours, held on September 1-2, 2006 in Turku (Finland), Book of Abstracts, p.26. Its full paper (22p) is included in a CD-ROM.


  • A two-year project: An Empirical Study on the EU's Stabilization and Association Process and the Economic Development in the Western Balkans, 2007-2008, sponsored by the Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (JSPS)
  • A two-year project: International Comparison of Investment Climate: Central Europe vs. the Russian Far East and South Eastern Europe, 2003-2004, sponsored by JSPS
  • A three-year project: A Study on the Economic Reconstruction, Regional Cooperation and Stabilization, 2000-2002, sponsored by JSPS

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