Journal: East/West
Period: 2012
Deadline for submitting abstracts: Jan. 10, 2012
Deadline for submitting full papers: Jul. 1, 2012
The special edition of East/West: "Neo-Anti-Colonialism vs. Neo-Imperialism: Relevance of Postcolonialism in Post-Soviet Space" will be devoted to the discussion of anti-colonial, postcolonial, colonial, and imperial discourses in Eastern and Central Europe, and Eurasia.The outcome of the project will be a publication of a special issue of the interdisciplinary scholarly journal "East/West" by the end of 2012.
The editorial board is seeking contributions related to the following issues:
In the selection of materials the preference will be given to the texts related to the regions of Eastern and Central Europe, and Eurasia.
We will accept scholarly articles, essays, and reviews of no more than 40,000 characters written in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, English or German together with a brief summary (abstract).
The materials are to be sent to:
Associate Editor: Dr. Gelinada Grinchenko:
Invited Editor: Dr. Tetyana Dzyadevych:
The Kowalsky Eastern Ukrainian Institute
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 6 Svobody Square,
aud. 486, Kharkiv, 61077 Ukraine.
tel.: 0038.057.705.2630
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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