The main goal of KYATA is to promote the Euro-Atlantic culture and valeus in Kosovo society in general and Kosovo youth in particular.
This will be achieved through:
I. Organizing debates for Euro-Atlantic integration process
II. Organizing different academic conferences for Euro-Atlantic integration
III. Fostering cooperation with Kosovo institutions from related fields.
IV. Fostering cooperation with relevant international institutions in Republic of Kosovo, also with foreign diplomatic embassies in Kosovo
V. Development of academic researches related to Euro-Atlantic integration proceses.
KYATA is established to contribute in Kosovo's journey towards Euro-Atlantic Integration. KYATA has started to show itself as a serious NGO in the field of Security and Euro-Atlantic Integration. KYATA, on the way to achieve its vision and Kosovo as a NATO and EU member, will organize different activities, conferences that bring in Kosovo young ladies and gentlemen from all over the Euro-Atlantic area, to share the Euro-Atlantic values, exchange experiences and ideas.
KYATA has started gathering well-known lecturers and political leaders from the region and beyond. The best example was "Euro-Atlantic Forum, sharing responsibilities for Western Balkan Security". Besides the activities for Euro-Atlantic integration, it will give its contribution in drafting and creating the future national security policies and action plans.
KYATA is drafting the legal base to create the board of honor, which will be comprised by former NATO senior officers, Academic well-known and Political leaders of the region, with the main aim to contribute to Kosovo's case towards NATO Integration.
Available languages: English
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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