PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Wednesday January 15, 2025
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This area collects information on academic centers, state institutions, political and no profit organizations promoting the exchange of contacts and supporting institutional collaboration

East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Research institutes and associations of scholars in South-Eastern Europe

Here you can find basic information about the websites of research institutes and associations of scholars dealing with South-Eastern Europe, with direct links.

Associazione Italiana Studi di Storia dell’Europa Centrale e Orientale (AISSECO)

Descrizione: AISSECO nasce come nel 2005  per rispondere al bisogno di comunicazione e scambio tra studiosi di storia, cultura e civiltà che si occupano dell’Europa di mezzo, dal Baltico al Mar Nero. Per fare questo, l’Associazione vuole divenire:

-un punto di raccordo dei risultati della ricerca sulle culture e sui popoli dell’Europa Centrale e Orientale condotte in Italia.
-un network tra gli studiosi  che si occupano dell’Europa di mezzo a livello europeo.AISSECO organizza e partecipa ad eventi, quali convegni, tavole rotonde, presentazioni di libri e riviste che si occupano dei paesi, delle culture e delle civiltà dell’Europa Baltica, Centrale, Orientale e Balcanica, per favorire l’incontro e lo scambio di idee. Allo stesso tempo, AISSECO vuole  arricchire lo scambio di informazioni nella rete, aprendo il sito a suggerimenti e indicazione dei suoi visitatori.
Lingue: Italiano

Visita la pagina dell'Associazione Italiana Studi di Storia dell’Europa Centrale e Orientale (AISSECO) (in Italian)

Associazione Italiana di Studi del Sud-est Europeo

Descrizione: L'Associazione Italiana di Studi del Sud-est Europeo (AISSEE) riunisce gli studiosi che si occupano in Italia della cultura e della civilizzazione delle popolazioni dellEuropa sud-orientale . Da oltre quaranta anni l'AISSEE svolge un'intensa attività di ricerche interdisciplinari, contribuendo in tal modo all'investigazione sistematica e approfondita del patrimonio culturale in cui si riflettono le tradizioni comuni e allo stesso tempo specifiche di ciascun popolo del Sud-est europeo. L'AISSEE promuove lo studio dei Balcani, del loro rapporto con le altre culture dell'Europa e del resto del mondo. Il dominio di competenza dell'Associazione è quello delle scienze umane: storia, archeologia, etnografia, linguistica, filologia, folklore, arte, diritto, economia, ecc.
L'AISSEE è stata fondata nel 1969 da un gruppo di professori universitari e studiosi e da allora ha sempre costituito il Comitato nazionale italiano dell'Association Internationale d'Études du Sud-est européen (AIESEE).
Lingue: Italiano

Visita la pagina dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi del Sud-est Europeo (in Italian)

Centre for Southeast European Studies

Description: The Centre for Southeast European Studies was set up in November 2008 following the establishment of Southeastern Europe as a strategic priority at the University of Graz in 2000. The Centre is an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty institution for research and education, established with the goal to provide space for the rich teaching and research activities at the university on and with Southeastern Europe and to promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Since its origins it was also the aim of the centre to provide information and documentation and to be a place of call for media and the interest public on Southeastern Europe in terms of political, legal, economic and cultural developments.Thus, the Centre has placed a strong emphasis on public events. In order to provide a broader audience information on Southeastern Europe, the Centre is organizing regular lectures, discussions and other events on current topics, including jointly with the Europe Department of the State of Styria, such as “Südosteuropa Akademie” and “Café Europa”. A first success and also recognition of the strong competence in the field of Southeastern Europe of the University has been archive of the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe, which has been donated to the Centre by the former Coordinator of the Stability Pact Dr. Erhard Busek.
Already early on, the Centre established close links with a number of West European Universities, including LSE and the Universities of Frankfurt and Cologne, and partners in Southeastern Europe, such as the Universities of Sarajevo and Prishtina and the Centre for Human Rights in Belgrade in the context of an EU Framework Program 6 on “Human and Minority Rights in the Life-Cycle of Ethnic Conflicts” (MIRICO). A further project concluded in 2010, funded by the Zukunftsfonds of Austria, focused on Minorities in Central Europe (MIMI), jointly with partners in Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Italy. In addition, the Centre conducted Tempus programs with the Universities of Skopje and Prishtina.
In addition to regular teaching, the Centre also coordinates a Joint PhD in Diversity Management (with the University of Bologna, the New Bulgarian University Sofia and the University of Primorska, Slovenien), as well as a Joint Master in South East European Studies (with the Universities of Belgrade, Skopje und Zagreb and partners throughout Europe).
Since 2010 the Centre manages “Balkan Academic News“, a mailing list with over 8000 subscribers. It was founded in 1999 by Florian Bieber as a network for academic information on Southeastern Europe.
In October 2011, Florian Bieber took over as the director of the Centre from the founder Joseph Marko. An interdisciplinary team of lawyers, historians, and political scientists has contributed through numerous articles, monographs and other publications to research on Southeastern Europe. In addition, the centre is regularly organizing international conferences and workshops to promote cutting edge research on Southeastern Europe.
Languages: English, German,

Visit the website of The Centre for Southeast European Studies (in German)
Visit the website of The Centre for Southeast European Studies (in English)

Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Ungheresi e sull’Europa Centrale e Orientale (CISUECO)

Descrizione: Le origini del Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Ungheresi e sull’Europa Centrale e Orientale (CISUECO) risalgono al 1985 quando presso l’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma fu costituito il Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Ungheresi in Italia (CISUI). L’obiettivo del centro era quello di promuovere e gestire iniziative scientifiche nel settore degli studi linguistici, letterari, e storici inerenti principalmente l’Ungheria ma anche più in generale l’Europa centrale e orientale. La convenzione per l’istituzione del centro entrò in vigore nell’anno accademico 1986/1987 ma solo nell’agosto del 1989 è stato completato l’atto convenzionale per la costituzione del centro. Per statuto il CISUI si “impegna a fornire servizi di documentazione e informazione e soprattutto a favorire e organizzare le ricerche attinenti la conoscenza dell’Ungheria e dell’Europa centro-orientale in Italia nella sfera di interessi delle varie discipline (storia, letteratura, filologia, arte, economia ecc.). Il 23 gennaio 1990 presso i locali dell’Accademia di Ungheria in Roma (Palazzo Falconieri) si è tenuta la prima Assemblea generale del CISUI nonché il suo primo Consiglio scientifico. Primo direttore del CISUI fu nominato il professor Giovanni Battista Pellegrini dell’Università di Padova. Lo statuto del centro è stato pubblicato integralmente nel numero 5, 1990 della Rivista di Studi Ungheresi (RSU). Le università inizialmente afferenti sono: Bologna, Firenze, Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Padova, Pavia, Roma La Sapienza, Torino, Udine, Venezia. Ad esse si aggiungeranno le seguenti università: L’Aquila, Lecce, Università della Tuscia (Viterbo) e Università Roma TRE.
Lingue: Italiano

Visita la pagina del Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Ungheresi e sull’Europa Centrale e Orientale (in Italian)

Centro Studi sulla Storia dell'Europa Orientale

Descrizione: Il Centro Studi sulla Storia dell’Europa Orientale (CSSEO), costituito nel 1997, svolge una intensa attività di studio, di ricerca scientifica e divulgazione sulla cultura e la storia dell’Europa centro-orientale e dell’ex Unione Sovietica.
Lingue: Italiano

Visita la pagina del Centro Studi sulla Storia dell'Europa Orientale (in Italian)

European Stability Initiative

Description: ESI's experienced and multidisciplinary team is committed to provide policy makers with relevant strategic analysis.In its 14 years of operation, ESI has had a substantial impact on international policy towards South Eastern Europe. Its advice was sought regularly by a range of policy makers across the region.
In order to promote discussion and debate among the policy community all ESI publications are widely distributed and available on its website free of charge. ESI's efforts depend on the contributions of governments, corporations and private individuals to fund its activities.
Languages: Bosnian, Croatian, English, French, German, Macedonian, Serbian, Turkish

Visit the website of European Stability Initiative (in Turkish)
Visit the website of European Stability Initiative (in English)

Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies

Description: The Giessen Centre for Eastern European Studies (GiZo) is the regional-studies research and teaching centre for Eastern Europe at the Justus-Liebig-University (JLU) in Giessen. The centre was founded in July 2006 and brings together research and teaching on Eastern Europe in the humanities within the federal state of Hesse. Thus, it is the first institution in Hesse which uses such an interdisciplinary approach to cover research and teaching on Eastern Europe this comprehensively.

Language: English, German

Visit the website of the Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies (in English)
Visit the website of the Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies (in German)

Institute for Political and International Studies

Description: The Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) is an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit, think-tank organization. It has been created by a group of intellectuals and analysts with extensive experience in foreign policy and policy-making issues, who are gathered around the ideas of democracy, solidarity, globalization, European integration, political and international studies and regional cooperation.

The long term objectives of the Institute are to work on balanced socio- economic development, capacity building and trainings, active citizen engagement and participative political environments. The Institute focuses its activities on rule of law, evidence based policy research, good governance and multiethnic and multicultural co-existence. In partnership with the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) and the Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS), IPIS works primarily on stoichiometric research and project-based activities.

IPIS’s growth is directly linked to an availability of resources for self-reflection. In this sense, the Institute advocates policy recommendations and strives to enrich public discourse through promotion of evidence based policy, publishing, public events, diligent team work and individual productivity and working closely with other national and international research institutions.

Vision: IPIS’s envisioned future is to become the most influential Balkan think-tank offering sound analysis as well as advice and influencing policy agendas of Macedonia and the Southeast European region in various formats. Also, the Institute envisions offering an abundance of research resources (data bases; books; articles; papers; internet based resources and other logistical support) to individual researchers, professionals, journalist, students, civil society organizations and interested parties. IPIS’s research work will contribute to good governance, sound policy advice and spread of knowledge among a variety of actors. In doing this, IPIS specifically targets academics, governments, civil society organizations and private companies.

Language: English

Visit the website of the Institute for Political and International Studies (in English)

Marmara University Research Center for International Relations (MURCIR)

Name in Turkish: Marmara Üniversitesi Uluslararası Iliskiler Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi
Description: Marmara University Research Cente for International Relations  (MURCIR) was established in 1994 by the academic members of the Department of Political Science and International Relations with the initiative of its first Director, Prof. Kemali Saybaşılı. He was in turn succeeded by Prof. Şule Kut, Assoc. Prof. Esra Çayhan, Prof. Günay Göksu Özdoğan and Prof. Sema Erder. The current Director is Prof. Günay Göksu Özdoğan since 2007.

MURCIR aims to provide an academic and intellectual forum and carry research in recent developments in the field of International Relations. For its initial research activity, the Center undertook to write a project on “New Balkans and Turkey” solicited by the Turkish Foreign Ministry in 1995. With an aim to initiate and contribute to platforms of discussions, MURCIR has so far taken a keen interest in post-1990 Balkan issues, Greco-Turkish relations, conflict resolution in the Middle East, Turkey's relations with the EU, foreign policy analysis of recent Turkish governments, global politicization of ethnicity, re-evaluation of international relations paradigms, and finally international migration. It has collaborated with national (Middle East Technical University, Political Science Faculty of Ankara University) and foreign (ELIAMEP-Hellenic Foundation for Defense and Foreign Policy, Haifa University, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Goethe Institute, American Information Resource Center, UNHCR, National Institute for Working Life, NIWL-Sweden) institutions in organization of conferences, symposiums and workshops in Istanbul addressing academics, journalists, practitioners, and university students concerned with current international issues.

It has published two books in English (Günay Göksu Özdoğan, Kemali Saybaşılı (eds.), Balkans: A Mirror of the New International Order, İstanbul, Eren, 1995; Günay Göksu Özdoğan, Gül Tokay (eds.), Redefining the Nation, State and Citizen, İstanbul, Eren, 2000); contributed to fair publications (Kemali Saybaşılı, Gencer Özcan (eds.) Yeni Balkanlar, Eski Sorunlar [Old Problems Reconsidered in New Balkans], İstanbul, Bağlam, 1997; Gencer Özcan, Şule Kut (eds.), En Uzun Onyıl [The Longest Decade: Turkish Foreign Policy in 1990’s], İstanbul, Boyut, 1998; Ayhan Kaya, Günay Göksu Özdoğan (eds.), Uluslararası İlişkilerde Sınır Tanımayan Sorunlar: Göç, Güvenlik, Adalet, Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Yurttaşlık [Transboundary Issues in International Relations: Migration, Security, Justice, Gender, Citizenship], İstanbul, Bağlam, 2003; Bo Johansson, Emrehan Zeybekoğlu (eds.), “Labor” in Migration as a European Challenge: Views from Sweden and Turkey, İstanbul, YKY, 2003 (in collaboration with NIWL).
Languages: Turkish, English

Visit the website of MURCIR (in Turkish)
Visit the website of MURCIR (in English)


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