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International Scholars Fellowship Program

Venues: The program accepts applications for placements in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, and Ukraine
Period: Fellowships begin in August or September 2011 and last one academic year
Application deadline: Apr. 11, 2011
The International Scholars Fellowship Program selects highly qualified scholars in the social sciences and humanities to assist Academic Fellowship Program partner departments where Returning Scholars are placed.  The International Scholars advise on the overall reform agenda of the departments and share the latest developments in the respective disciplines, and beyond, with departmental colleagues; collaborate on the introduction of new courses; and encourage the development of skills that are crucial for academic success. One of the greatest, and most needed, contributions that International Scholars make is the expert advice they offer on curriculum development and academic planning.
International Scholars share their experience with Returning Scholars and the entire department on a consultative basis. They work on-site with the departments during two or three short and intense visits, and remain in touch with colleagues in the time between these consultations. International Scholars play important roles in the Academic Webfolio Project by mentoring individual Returning Scholars and commenting directly on fellows’ webfolios within their Discipline Group, both during and between visits. The details of such arrangements as travel and work plans are negotiated on an individual basis during the selection process.
International Scholars Fellowships generally include a modest stipend, transportation, accommodation, and various other allowances. Fellows may re-apply the following year. Fellowships begin in August or September 2011 and last one academic year.

How to apply to the Fellowship


The three main criteria for the fellowship are as follows:
1) A PhD (or equivalent highest degree awarded in the field) in an academic discipline from the list above. Applicants for this program must be senior or well-established academics currently employed by an institution of higher education, or remaining closely associated and still active in teaching and research at a university; recent degree recipients will not be considered.
2) Extensive experience in scholarly research and teaching. The successful candidate will show proficiency in innovative teaching methodologies specific for the discipline, and a strong commitment to high-quality teaching.
3) Ability to help compose the year’s plan for departmental reform, evaluate needs, and determine how their expertise can most benefit the department. Before final placement, the program and the partner department work with the International Scholar to design a work plan that is both rewarding and feasible for the fellows and of greatest help to the department.  The plan must include long-distance mentoring that bridges the time between short departmental visits.

In addition to the above individual criteria, the following subject fields are supported: anthropology, area/cultural studies, economics, gender studies, history, human rights & public law, international relations, journalism/media studies, philosophy, political science, psychology, public policy/environmental studies, public policy/public health, social work, and sociology. The program does not support scholars in philology, the visual and performing arts, and business.

Application Procedure

Please complete the application via the following website:



Information & contacts

Please use the online form for any contacts:

All physical mail should be sent to:
International Higher Education Support Program
Open Society Institute
address: Oktober 6. ut. 12
H-1051 Budapest, Hungary


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