PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Wednesday January 15, 2025
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The Years of the Cold War (in Italian)

edited by: Marco Galeazzi 
original title: Roma-Belgrado - Gli Anni della Guerra Fredda
published by: A. Longo editore
pp: 216
ISBN: 88-8063-062-8
price: € 15.49

Book's frontpage

This book, edited by Marco Galeazzi, stems from research and a conference organized and promoted by the Fondazione Istituto Gramsci of Rome and the lstituto Gramsci of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
The book deals with one of the most sensitive and controversial topics of Italian history after World War II. The conflict with Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1954 – over the issue of Trieste – and the painful story of the Istrian exodus were ideologically instrumentalized during the Cold War, causing irreconcilable feelings or constituting authentic tabus. Here for the first time, some of Italy’s best scholars – based on unpublished documents – unfettered by prejudice and with scientific objectivity, grapple with topics which, after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, now risk returning dramatically to the front stage, no longer setting Rome against Belgrade, but Italy against Slovenia and Croatia.
This book aims to comprehend the past from a perspective unencumbered by memories’ distortions.


Table of contents

Preface, Ennio Di Nolfo
First part – Italy and Yugoslavia in the international context
Stefano Bianchini, The changeable Balkan positions and the Italian-Yugoslav dispute (1948-1956) 
Giampaolo Valdevit, Italy, Yugoslavia, and European security: the American view (1948-1956) 
Antonio Varsori, British foreign policy and Yugoslavia (1948-1956) 
Jože Pirjevec, Moscow, Rome and Belgrade (1948-1956) 

Second part – The Italian Communists: nationalism and internationalism at the test
Marco Galeazzi, Togliatti between Tito and Stalin
Francesco Privitera, True socialism, false socialism: Italian Cominformists‘ struggle in Tito’s Yugoslavia
Third part - Rome and Belgrade between news reporting and history
Roberto Spanò, The daily press in Italy and the Istrian exodus (1945-1954) 
Pietro di Loreto, The problem of the eastern border in the perception of Italian public opinion 
Marisa Crevatin, The Yugoslav press and anti-Italian polemics
Rade Petrović, Italy-Yugoslavia: historiographic issues and research problems 


PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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