PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Thursday January 02, 2025
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News, analysis websites and blogs dealing with the whole region

Here you can find basic information about news and analysis websites dealing with the whole region, as well as websites of news agencies and blogs from scholars and academicians, with direct links.

Eurasia Outlook

Description: Eurasia Outlook offers analysis and insight on the Eurasia region from a wide array of Carnegie’s experts in Moscow, Washington, Almaty, and other locations, as well as from some of the most interesting commentators on the region.
Language: English
Archive: June 2013

Visit the website of Eurasia Outlook

Eastern Approaches

Description: Eastern Approaches is a weekly blog which offers reports and analysis on the economics, politics, security and culture of the eastern half of the European continent.
Language: English
Archive: May 2010

Visit Eastern Approaches

Eastern Journal

Descrizione: EaST Journal nasce nell’inverno 2010 in una gelida mansarda torinese dove il vino era cattivo e i soldi sempre pochi. Nasce per gioco, per fede, per anarchia, con qualche idea che prendeva coraggio: libertà d’informazione è poter dire tutto, senza autocensure né pregiudizi politici o ideologici. Pluralismo è contraddizione all’interno di un solo giornale, non tanti giornali monolitici e sordi l’un l’altro. Linea editoriale è curva e spirale, andare al centro delle cose, deviare dall’opinione comune, motivando e contestualizzando sempre. Onestà è ancoraggio ai fatti, esplicitazione delle fonti, chiara esibizione dell’opinione. East Journal non ha editori né pubblicità, quindi non ha padroni. Se siamo indipendenti è perché siamo poveri, di denari, non di idee. La redazione, che si è andata formando  è mossa dalla passione e dalla convinzione che, in una società gerontocratica e individualista, unirsi sia l’unica possibilità per cambiare. Il nostro spirito è di rottura, nel lettore cerchiamo un confronto, un insegnamento, e non una scimmietta da ammaestrare con verità rivelate in tasca.
Lingua: Italiano
Visit the website of the Eastern Journal

International Security Forum

Description: International Security Forum is a global think tank which focuses primarily on security issues, either international or regional. The website is designed as an open world forum which hosts briefs, comments, analyses and policy recommendations on regional and global security issues and problems of world governance seeking to enhance public debate on pressing world problems.
Language: English
Visit the website of the international Security Forum

Nationalities Blog

Description: This is the blog of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) seeking to provide timely commentary and analysis on events and issues pertaining to nationalism, ethnic conflict and national identity. Scholars and analysts associated with the ASN contribute their postings, encouraging debate on the topics and postings on the topic of nationalism and ethnic conflict.
Language: English
Visit the Nationalisites Blog

Vostok Cable

Description: Vostok Cable is a blog about Russia and Eastern Europe, yesterday, today and tomorrow. It was founded in 2013 by a group of students at Oxford University. This blog aspires to provide a unique perspective on the region, bridging the gap between academic and media debates. It is composed by four sections: analysis, interview, news summary and reviews.
Language: English
Archive: February 2013

Visit the blog Vostok Cable

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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