This area gives access to a large collection of news resources, both printed and online, and offers information about academic journals, scholarly publications and books
Here you can find basic information about news and analysis websites dealing with South-Eastern Europe, as well as websites of news agencies and blogs from scholars and academicians, with direct links.
Description: this is the blog of Anna Krasteva, director of the Department of political sciences and of CERMES (Centre for European Refugees Migration and Ethnic Studies) at the New Bulgarian University, doctor honoris causa of University Lille 3. The blog publishes comments and articles in three main fields: e-democracy; migrations and minorities; democratization in Eastern Europe.
Languages: posts are mainly in Bulgarian, but also in English and French
Visit the blog by Anna Krasteva
Description: this portal provides news, analyses, opinions and comments abouth the Balkans as well as Southeast Europe.
Language: English
Visit the webiste of Balkan Insight (in English)
Languages: Albanian, Serbian, English, Macedonian
Visit the website of OWP SEE (in English)
Description: SEE Business is an English-language analysis website covering the region of Southeastern Europe focussing on business-related matters. The website offers exclusive reports from the countries of the region on issues such as: business and investment opportunities; market opportunities; the best companies in Southeastern Europe; banking, finance and stock exchange.
Language: English
Archive: since February 2008, available upon subscription
Visit the website of SEE Business (in English)
Description: This is a regional business portal.
Language: Croatian
Visit the portal (in Croatian)
Description: this is a portal collecting information and giving access to lots of news resources from all countries of the region.
Languague: English
Visit the portal South East European Times (in English)