Writing, research, teaching. Main academic interests: Interdisciplinary social sciences and humanities, namely interdisciplinary history, intellectual history, cultural history, history of Central and South-Eastern Europe; political science and comparative politics; identity, politics and policy: religion, ethnicities, nationalities; sociolinguistics, language, discourse analysis; conflict, strife and war; methodology and theory in social sciences and humanities, atheism, evolutionary psychology.
Editor-in-chief, Humanicus journal of social sciences and philosophy.
Associate Editor, Volume 9, Issue 4, The International Journal of the Humanities.
Associate Editor, Volume 9, Issue 6, The International Journal of the Humanities.
Books and other main publications
Religija. Savremena egzegeza: Filozofsko-naučni traktat. Krug/Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Belgrade (2011). [Religion. A contemporary exegesis: a philosophical/scientific treatise]
Retrolingvistika: istraživanje lingvističkog atavizma. Krug / Helsinki Committee for Human rights (2012). [Retrolinguistics: exploring linguistic atavism]
Edited Volumes
Humanicus academic journal, issues 1-6, 2008 to 2011
Citizenship, Inclusion or Exclusion?, IDPress, Oxfordshire, ISBN: 978-1-84888-069-6., 2011
Main recent articles
The influence of Evolutionary Psychology on Social Sciences and Humanities, The International Journal of the Humanities, vol. 9, issue 7
Citizenship and Passportism: Modern Means of Discrimination, in: Citizenship, Inclusion or Exclusion?, IDPress, Oxfordshire, 2011
Pseudoliberalni diskurs i otpor nacionalizmu: analiza diskursa Stefa Jansena o otporu nacionalizmu ubivšoj Jugoslaviji, Philological studies, 2009, vol 1, Ljubljana/Zagreb/Skopje/Perm [Pseudo-liberalism and the opposition to nationalism: analysis of Stef Jansen’s discourse about the opposition to nationalism in former Yugoslavia]
Придонес кон разбирањето на концептите на националност и државјанство во денешна Eвропа, Evrodijalog, issue 11, 2009, Skopje [A contribution to the understanding of the concepts of nationality and citizenship in today’s Europe]
Serbo-Croato-Bosno-Montenegrin: making order out of chaos, Humanicus, issue 1, 2008
Cultural and perception problems in Serbia’s EU integration: A memetics view, European Studies, vol 2 no. 2, October 2010
Hedonism in abstract art, Rupkatha journal on interdisciplinary studies in humanities, issue 1, 2009
Antihristi XXI stoleća: kratak prikaz najznačajnijih dostignuća kritike religije na početku novog veka, Humanicus, issue 1, 2008. [Antichrists of the 21st century: a short overview of the achievements of criticism of religion at the beginning of the new century]
Strindbergs kvinnohat i ’Fröken Julie’, Humanicus, issue 2, 2009. [Strindberg’s hatred towards women in ‘Miss Julie’]
[coming in September 2012] Retrolingvistički diskurs: savremeni srbijanski jezički nacionalizam, in: Tošović, Branko; Wonisch Arno (ur.). Srpski pogledi na odnose između srpskog, hrvatskog i bošnjačkoga jezika. I/4. – Graz – Beograd: Institut für Slawistik der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz – Beogradska knjiga: 2012
Religions and Values: Central and Eastern European Research Network, funded by the European Commission for research on religion and atheism. 2009
Interdisciplinary school of Leadership and Innovation, Palacký University Olomouc, funded by the ESF and Ministry of Schooling of the Czech Republic. 2010-2012