Venue: University Ca' Foscari, Venice (Italy)
Period: Dec. 17-18, 2009
The Section of Slavic Studies of the Department of American, Hiberic and Slavic Studies of the University Ca' Foscari of Venice organizes a conference to discuss about 1989 and the epocal changes it brought at both the national and international level.
The discussion will focus on the political impact that the fall of the wall had on the communist regimes of Eastern Europe from a national perspective, on one hand, and the effects provocked by both the existence and the fall of the wall at a cultural and literary level, on the other.
The conference language will be Italian, with some speeches in French.
After the welcome address by the authorities, the conference will be divided into four sessions followed by discussion.
Confirmed speakers and participants will be as follows:
Department of American, Hiberic and Slavic Studies
Department of American, Hiberic and Slavic Studies
address: Ca' Bernardo, Dorsoduro 3199
30123 Venice
tel. 0039.041.2349434
fax. 0039.041.2349410
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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