The Foundation Open Society Institute – Macedonia (FOSIM) was founded in 1992.
The main purpose of FOSIM is to promote a society that is more tolerant, democratic and integrated within Europe, composed of educated citizens. Among its major aims there are the promotion of civic participation in politics, the support to the rights of vulnerable people, and the fostering of regional cooperation on issues ranging concerning human rights and social science education.
In order to promote tolerance and social inclusion of all minorities, FOSIM has led a public education campaign financed by the European Commission that celebrates Macedonia’s multicultural heritage.
At the present, the organization is engaged in several researches and education initiatives, such as an assessment of human rights in Croatia and Macedonia relative to EU norms.
Available languages: Macedonian, English
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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