Created in 1992, Lev Sapieha Foundation is one of the oldest Belarus NGOs. The main aims of this organizations are: the development of democratic reforms in the Republic of Belarus with particular attention to the fields of local self-goverment, economy, science and culture; the development of civil society; the promotion of democratic values.
Furthermore it promotes the cooperation with other Belarusian as well as foreign NGOs to strengthen democratic practices in the country and develop international relations and European integration.
At present the association has implemented over 45 projects, (including about 20 regional projects), supported by famous foreign organizations, such as the Soros Foundation, TACIS, the Eurasia Fund, MATRA, the Ebert Foundation, the Adenauer Foundation, SIDA, USAID and the European Commission.
Available languages: Belarusian, English, Russian
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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