Here you can find basic information about the websites of research institutes and associations of scholars active in Kosovo, with direct links.
Name in Albanian: Fondacioni Kosovar për Shoqëri Civile
Description: Founded in 1998, and officially registered in December 1999, priority mission of KCSF has been to strengthen civil initiatives by providing support through information, services and trainings to NGOs and other relevant civic institutions in all sectors of Kosovar civil society.
Languages: Albanian, English, Serbian
Visit the website of the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (in Albanian)
Visit the website of the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (in English)
Visit the website of the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (in Serbian)
Name in Albanian: Instituti kosovar për kërkime dhe zhvillime të politikave
Description: established in 2002, KIPRED is a research centre based in Pristina which carries out political research aimed at improving the policy making, as well as consolidating democratic values in Kosovo and the region.
Languages: Albanian, English
Visit the website of the Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development (in Albanian)
Visit the website of the Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development (in English)
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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