PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
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Research institutes and associations of scholars in Romania

Here you can find basic information about the websites of research institutes and associations of scholars active in Romania, with direct links.

Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust

Name in Romanian: Institutul Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România „Elie Wiesel”
Description:The Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania is a public institution established by the Romanian government on August 7, 2005, and officially opened on October 9 of the same year, which is Romania's National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust.
The institute is named after the Romanian-born Jewish Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel, who chaired the Wiesel Commission which reported on Romania's involvement in the Holocaust to the Romanian government in 2004, and which recommended that such an institute be established. The institute is responsible for researching Romania's role in the Holocaust, and gathering, archiving and publishing documents relating to this event.
The institute is currently headed by Mihail E. Ionescu and falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs.
: Romanian

Visit the website of the Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust (in Romanian)

Eurasian Studies Center

Name in Romanian: Centrul de Studii Eurasiatice
Description: Established in 2005, the Eurasian Studies Center (CSEA) is a national research center of the "Ovidius" University of Constanta, accredited by the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education (RO - CNCSIS). The Eurasian Studies Center (CSEA) carries out scientific research activity in the field of civilization, culture, spiritual interferences and international relations between the States of Central and South‐Eastern Europe and the States of Central Asia, the Middle East and the Far East in history and in the present.
The Eurasian Studies Center (CSEA) elaborates studies and scientific works in the field of sociocultural, economic and political‐diplomatic space characteristic of Central and South Eastern Europe and many of the relations with the Asian space; publishes, both in country and abroad, results of the scientific research; develops a database and documentation (including references) with regard to the scope of the above mentioned research.
Internationally, it cooperates with similar institutions in other countries, are developing joint research programmes, as well as exchanges of experience, teaching courses and seminars in the framework of universities programmes; provides the necessary expertise for the development of courses within the "Ovidius" University  of Constanta or other universities in the country and abroad. It also edits a journal, Revista Română de Studii Eurasiatice (Romanian Review of Eurasian Studies), once a year (two numbers in an annual volume).
Languages: Romanian, English

Visit the website of the Eurasian Studies Center (in Romanian and English)

European Institute of Romania

Name in Romanian: Institutul European din România
Description: established in 2000, the European Institute of Romania is a policy-oriented research centre which focus issues related to the Romanian access and integration into the European Union. Besides research activity, it carries on training and educational programmes on the process of European integration.
Languages: Romanian, English

Visit the website of the European Institute of Romania (in Romanian)
Visit the website of the European Institute of Romania (in English)

Ludwig von Mises Institute

Name in Romanian: InstitutulMises din România
Description: The Ludwig von Mises Institute - Romania stands out by the "Ludwig von Mises private seminar" that hosts detailed debates on the fundamental subjects of economics, law and political philosophy matched against the realistic, healthy and consistently personalist ideas of the Austrian School of Law and Economics and of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church. The institute's website offers a big part of the essential "austrian" bibliography translated into Romanian. Thus, one can read texts by Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Walter Block, Jörg Guido Hülsmann and others. The LvMI-Ro also publishes the "Private Property Order" on-line periodical. The institute is supported exclusively through private funding.
Languages: Romanian, English

Visit the website of the Ludwig von Mises Institute  (in Romanian)
Visit the website of the Ludwig von Mises Institute  (in English)

National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archive - CNSAS

Name in Romanian: Consiliul National Pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securitatii (C.N.S.A.S.)
Description: established in 1999, the CNSAS is the official Romanian authority administering the archives of Securitate, the former intelligence service in the country. It carries out research and educational activities in order to spread accurate historical information about the repressive actions of Securitate during the communist regime. Notwithstanding its existence, the page in English contains very little information.
Languages: Romanian, English

Visit the website of the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archive (in Romanian)

Society for Romanian Studies

Description: founded in 1973, the Society for Romanian Studies is an inter-disciplinary research centre which promotes Romanian studies, focussing mainly cultural and civilization aspects. Besides givinig access to general information about Romania and Moldova, the website provides access to many resources collections about the two countries.
Language: English

Visit the website of the Society for Romanian Studies (in English)

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