PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Wednesday January 22, 2025
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This area collects information on academic centers, state institutions, political and no profit organizations promoting the exchange of contacts and supporting institutional collaboration

East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Research institutes and associations of scholars in Lithuania

Here you can find basic information about the websites of research institutes and associations of scholars active in Lithuania, with direct links.

Lithuanian Free Market Institute

Name in Lithuanian: Kas yra Lietuvos laisvosios rinkos institutas
Description: The Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) is a private non-profit non-party organisation established in 1990 to promote the ideas of individual freedom and responsibility, free market, and limited government intervention. Our goal is to assist the accomplishment of common interests of the people of Lithuania which are best implemented in a free market where every individual pursues his or her objectives – without any privileges, protection or restrictions – by serving the society and not relying on the government apparatus.
Lithuanian, English
Visit the website of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute  (in Lithuanian)
Visit the website of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute  (in English)

Lithuanian Institute of History

Name in Lithuanian: Lietuvos istorijos institutas
Description: Lietuvos istorijos institutas yra valstybinis mokslinių tyrimų institutas, viešasis juridinis asmuo, veikiantis kaip valstybės biudžetinė įstaiga, vykdanti valstybei ir visuomenei svarbius ilgalaikius lituanistinius mokslinius tyrimus, socialinę ir kultūrinę jų plėtrą, turinti ypatingos nacionalinės svarbos statusą.
Instituto misija – plėtojant fundamentinius ir taikomuosius tyrimus, tirti lietuvių tautos, Lietuvos visuomenės, jos kultūros, ūkio, valstybingumo raidą, kaupti, sisteminti ir skleisti dokumentinį ir nematerialųjį istorinį paveldą; savo tyrimų rezultatais prisidėti prie pilietinės visuomenės kūrimo, visuomenės istorinės kultūros ir kritinio diskurso formavimo, kultūrinės tapatybės išsaugojimo, kartu su universitetais rengti istorijos ir etnologijos tyrėjus, formuoti Lietuvos istorijos ir etnologijos mokslų strategiją, aktyviai dalyvauti kuriant žinių visuomenę, plėsti ryšius su tarptautine tyrimų erdve.
Lithuanian, English
Visit the website of the  Lithuanian Institute of History  (in Lithuanian)
Visit the website of the  Lithuanian Institute of History  (in English)

Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"

Name in Lithuanian: Mokslinis metodinis centras "Scientia Educologica"
Description: the Scientific Methodical Centre ”Scientia Educologica” was founded in 2001 as a non-government organization. The general aims of the centre are:
to encourage researches and methodical work of young scientists in sphere of natural science education; to encourage academic initiatives for the improving system of higher education and preparation of teachers; to care of improvement of professional skills of young scientists and distribution of their works; to acquaint a society to modern pedagogical problems; to raise the general culture of a society, to encourage pedagogical self-development.
Languages: Lithuanian, English
Visit the website of the Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica" (in Lithuanian)
Visit the website of the Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica" (in English)

Institute of International Relations and Political Science

Name in Lithuanian: Tarptautinių santykių ir politikos mokslų institutas
Description: founded in 1992, the Institute of International Relations and Political Science is a research and education centre which promotes applied research on political science, as well as studies at all level.
Languages: Lithuanian, English

Visit the website of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science (in Lithuanian)
Visit the website of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science (in English)


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