This area collects information on academic centers, state institutions, political and no profit organizations promoting the exchange of contacts and supporting institutional collaboration
Here you can find basic information about the websites of research institutes and associations of scholars dealing with the whole region, with direct links.
Description: Founded in 1996, the Aleksanteri Institute is a research and educational centre affiliated with the University of Helsinki. It carries out research activities and offers study programs mainly focussed on Russia and Eastern Europe, with particular concern for social sciences and humanities.
Languages: Finnish, English, Swedish, Russian
Visit the website of the Aleksanteri Institute (in English)
Descritption: the Association for the Study of Nationalities promtoes the study of ethnicity and nationalism. It brings together scholars, PhD candidates, policy analysts and NGO practitioners interested in the Balkans, Central Europe, Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Eurasia (including Turkey and China), and nationalism studies.
Language: English
Visit the website of the Association for the Study of Nationalities
Descritption: BASEES is the UK national learned society for the study of Russia, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The main activity of the association is the annual conference, held normally in Cambridge in spring, with over 400 participants drawn from the UK but with many others from continental Europe and North America as well as Russia and Eastern Europe. BASEES is active on behalf of its members in dealings with government, with other associations and with individual universities.
Language: English
Visit the website of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies
Name in Italian: Centro per gli studi costituzionali e lo sviluppo democratico
Description: The Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development (CCSDD) is an international center that carries out research and training related to countries undergoing a transition to democracy in Central and South Eastern Europe, as well as North Africa.
Through conferences, workshops, publications, study trips, summer schools and film screenings the CCSDD addresses issues of civil society development and legal reform.
The CCSDD is a partnership between the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna and the Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Bologna Center. It is based in Bologna, Italy.
Language: English
Visit the website of the Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development (in English)
Description: The Centre for East European Language-Based Area Studies (CEELBAS) is a major collaboration between the universities of Bath, Birmingham, Cambridge, Kent, Manchester, Oxford, Sheffield, Warwick, the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, and UCL. The main objectives of the Centre are to realise the UK's strategic commitment to the study of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia, to help set the research agenda for the study of the region and to inform policy, nationally and internationally. View examples of press and publicity.
Languages: English
Visit the website of The Centre for East European Language-Based Area Studies (in English)
Name in Polish: Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich
Description: Founded in Warsaw in 1990, the Centre for Eastern Studies is a research and analysis centre whose main activity lies in the monitoring of the economic, political and social situation of the countries of Central-Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Languages: Polish, English
Visit the website of the Centre for Eastern Studies (in Polish)
Visit the website of the Centre for Eastern Studies (in English)
Description: CRCEES is an inter-institutional centre of excellence, set up under an initiative to encourage language-based area studies in the United Kingdom. It involves a consortium of eight universities in Scotland and the northern half of England, with the main hub located at the University of Glasgow. The main areas of research interest are: aspects of identity and culture and their social, political and economic implications; economic and social transformation; political transformation and international relations; literary, cinematic and cultural developments; the politics of language. The main concern of the Centre is with language training for post-graduates, taught courses and research at Master's level, doctoral and post-doctoral research; studentships, scholarships and/or fellowships are available as appropriate for each of these activities. Other activities include research forums and an annual summer school held in the region.
Language: English
Visit the website of the CRCEES (in English)
Description: established in 1969, the CREEES is a research and education centre of the University of Stanford. It promotes research activities and study programs about Central and Eastern Europe, the Post-Soviet space and Eurasia.
Language: English
Visit the website of the CREEES (in English)
Description: established in 1990, the Centre for Russian, Soviet and Central and East European Studies is a research and education centre of the University of St. Andrews. It promotes interdisciplinary academic research focussed on post-Soviet countries and East Central Europe.
Language: English
Visit the website of the Centre for Russian, Soviet and Central and East European Studies (in English)
Name in Romanian: Centrul de Studii Eurasiatice
Description: Established in 2005, the Eurasian Studies Center (CSEA) is a national research center of the "Ovidius" University of Constanta, accredited by the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education (RO - CNCSIS). The Eurasian Studies Center (CSEA) carries out scientific research activity in the field of civilization, culture, spiritual interferences and international relations between the States of Central and South‐Eastern Europe and the States of Central Asia, the Middle East and the Far East in history and in the present.
The Eurasian Studies Center (CSEA) elaborates studies and scientific works in the field of sociocultural, economic and political‐diplomatic space characteristic of Central and South Eastern Europe and many of the relations with the Asian space; publishes, both in country and abroad, results of the scientific research; develops a database and documentation (including references) with regard to the scope of the above mentioned research.
Internationally, it cooperates with similar institutions in other countries, are developing joint research programmes, as well as exchanges of experience, teaching courses and seminars in the framework of universities programmes; provides the necessary expertise for the development of courses within the University Ovidius "Constanta" or other universities in the country and abroad. It also edits a journal, Revista Română de Studii Eurasiatice (Romanian Review of Eurasian Studies), once a year (two numbers in an annual volume).
Languages: Romanian, English
Visit the website of the Eurasian Studies Center (in Romanian and English)
Name in German: Georg-Eckert-Institut
Description: The Georg Eckert Institute conducts application-oriented, multidisciplinary research into textbooks and educational media, informed primarily by history and cultural studies. It also provides advisory services to national and international education policymakers, practitioners and organisations, and acts as a coordinator and mediator in international issues and projects around textbooks. Research, knowledge transfer and research infrastructure services are all closely interconnected at the GEI; as a non-university institution both carrying out and facilitating research into textbooks and educational media, the institute is on its way to becoming an internationally recognised centre of excellence in the field.
One of the principal attractions of the GEI to researchers from around the world is its research library, whose collection of history, social studies, religious studies and geography textbooks is unparalleled worldwide. The GEI’s information and communication gateway provides virtual access to the world of textbook and educational media research; among its principal features are the user-led textbook reviews it publishes. The institute’s extensive programme of fellowships and scholarships is dedicated to raising awareness of textbooks and research into them and advancing academic work in the field, as is its research award for outstanding work in the area and its support scheme for visiting academics. The year 2012 saw the inception of the “Textbook of the Year” award, with which the GEI honours excellence in educational media annually at the Leipzig Book Fair.
Languages: German, English
Visit the website of the The Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (in German)
Visit the website of the The Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (in English)
Name in German: Deutsches Kulturforum östliches Europ
Description: The Deutsches Kulturforum östliches Europa (German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe) was founded in Potsdam on December 19, 2000, as a non-profit organisation. This institution is financed by the Federal Government's Commission for Cultural and Media Affairs, following the policy of research and presentation of German culture and history in Eastern Europe. The organization's members and sponsors are juristic persons from cultural and academic fields. Cultural traditions of Germany's historic eastern territories and areas of German settlement in eastern Central Europe as well as in northeast, east and southeast Europe have increasingly gained recognition as a common cultural heritage by those neighbouring states. These traditions can serve as a foundation for a concordant relationship in the present as well as the future. The historically determined and now aged mutualities have long been uncontested in academic spheres and must be presented on a broader public scale. The exemplary relations between France and Germany have shown that cognizance, acceptance and comprehensive of a culture are essential prerequisites for the stable and enduring equilibrium. In view of its proximity to candidate countries for European Union enlargement, the state of Brandenburg is especially suited as seat of the Deutsches Kulturforum. Moreover, from this location opportunities for cooperative work with various institutions and foreign embassies outside of Potsdam can be undertaken to greater extent.
The aim of the Deutsches Kulturforum is to organize forums on the common aspects of German culture and history in eastern Central Europe and in eastern Europe, in which institutions, scholars, teachers, students, pupils and generally interested persons can participate. The humanities, literature, music and fine arts form the main disciplinary background, whereby emphasis will be placed upon the 19th-20th centuries and contemporary culture while diversity, mutuality and affiliations are brought to attention. The results of pertinent research carried out by prominent institutions in Germany and neighbouring states will also be conveyed. The Deutsches Kulturforum achieves its aims and fulfils its obligations through international cooperation with cultural organizations, museums, educational institutions, universities, as well as associations of writers, musicians and authors. Besides the traditional media, the Deutsches Kulturforum disposes over modern multi-media, such as internet, to maintain and expand its sphere of contact.
Through conferences, seminars, fellowships, lectures, public debates and exhibitions the Deutsches Kulturforum endeavours to present the art and culture of a historical region, characterized by its ethnic and cultural diversity in the past and today as well to an extent, to a larger public. Nearly forgotten aspects and features should be recalled and reinstated. Future publications of the Deutsches Kulturforum forums are directed towards dialogue and exchange with culturally interested members from neighbouring states. Moreover, as of the year 2002 the Deutsches Kulturforum will award prizes to scholars and publicists, conservationists, writers and musicians, and supports young artists with scholarships.
Languages: German, English, Hungarian, French, Russian, Chech, Polish, Romanian
Visit the website of the German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe (in German)
Visit the website of the German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe (in English)
Visit the website of the German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe (in Hungarian)
Visit the website of the German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe (in French)
Visit the website of the German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe (in Russian)
Visit the website of the German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe (in Chech)
Visit the website of the German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe (in Polish)
Visit the website of the German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe (in Romanian)
Description: Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century: Comparative Historical Experience- at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena is an institute for the interdisciplinary and transnational study of the historical events of the twentieth century in East Central and Southeastern Europe. The directors of the institute are Prof. Włodzimierz Borodziej and Prof. Joachim von Puttkamer. The institute was founded in October 2010 as the ninth of the Käte Hamburger Collegia of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
An international team of visiting fellows and permanent academic staff conducts research at the Kolleg in an environment of intensive scholarly dialogue and exchange on the history of Eastern Europe in the twentieth century. There are five main areas of research: War, Violence, and Oppression; Statehood; the Challenges of Modernity; Intellectual Horizons; and History and the Public Sphere. Our transnational perspective on the entire region of East Central and Southeastern Europe makes it possible to determine common lines of development and specific differences among the countries, and to form a new foundation for a historical analysis of historical events in this region.
Languages: German, English
Visit the website of the The Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena (in German)
Visit the website of the The Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena (in English)
Description: the "Interfaculty Insitute for Central and Eastern Euope", founded in 1957 in Freibourg (Switzerland), employs an interdisciplinary team, which works on questions concerning Eastern Europe from different point of views. Researchers and students benefit from various education possibilities and publications of current research.
Languages: English, German, French
Visit the website of the Interfaculty Institute for Central and Eastern Euope (in English)
Description: The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies is a high priority for the Museum. It supports scholarship and publications in the field of Holocaust studies, promotes the growth of Holocaust studies at American universities, seeks to foster strong relationships between American and international scholars, and initiates programs to ensure the ongoing training of future generations of scholars specializing in the Holocaust.
Languages: English
Visit the website of the The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (in English)
Name in Italian: Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso
Description: Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC) is a research and electronic media centre devoted to social and political change in South‐East Europe, Turkey and Caucasus. The OBC team, based in Rovereto (Trento - Italy), cooperates with a network of over 40 correspondents and local contributors to deliver daily online articles and in‐depth analysis on these areas.
The OBC website serves as a meeting point for information, research and international cooperation. Every month, over 100,000 readers visit the website: scholars and researchers; journalists; students; diplomats; local, regional and national government officials; policymakers, volunteers and employees of international solidarity groups; businesspeople; members of the diaspora from South‐East Europe and Caucasus; tourists and travellers; ordinary people interested in these areas.
Along with publishing online news, OBC promotes several other information and training activities, such as production of documentary films, audiovisual materials and online databases. The OBC team participates in university workshops and public events. All OBC products and events can be found in the Multimedia, Our Products, Specials and OBC Events sections of the OBC website.
Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso develops the potentials of a multimedia approach to online information, uses open source technology and participates in the major social networks on the net.
Osservatorio sui Balcani was created during the "Works for Peace" conference, held in Venice in June 1999, in response to the demand for knowledge of and debate with people, associations and institutions that had promoted, for many years, peace and social cohabitation in the Balkans. In 2006, it expanded its activities to the Caucasus and, in 2009, it changed its name into Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC).
OBC is promoted by the Peace Bell Foundation and the Forum Trentino for Peace and Human Rights. It is sponsored by the Council Department for International Solidarity of the Autonomous Province of Trento and the Municipality of Rovereto, in Italy. In addition, it has projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Commission, several foundations, state and private organizations.
Languages: English, Italian, Serbian‐Croatian‐Bosnian
Visit the website of the Observatory on the Balkans and Caucasus (in English)
Descrizione:PIO - Il Pontificio Istituto Orientale fu eretto da Benedetto XV con Motu Proprio Orientis catholici (15-10-1917), come “sede di studi superiori di questioni orientali nell'Urbe”, (AAS IX, 1917, 531 s.). Pochi mesi prima (1-05-1917) con Motu Proprio “Dei Providentis” (AAS IX, 1917, pp. 529-531) era stata eretta la Congregazione per la Chiesa Orientale, che si chiamerà dal 1967 Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali. L'Istituto, avendo sede presso la Congregazione per la Chiesa Orientale e sotto la responsabilità del card. Niccolò Marini e la vice-presidenza del P. Antonio Delpuch dei Missionari d’Africa, iniziò la sua attività il 2 dicembre 1918. Il 25 settembre 1920, Benedetto XV autorizzò il conferimento dei gradi accademici, dottorato compreso (AAS XII, 1920, 440).
II 14 settembre 1922, l'Istituto fu trasferito da Pio XI nella sede del Pontificio Istituto Biblico e affidato allo stesso momento alla Compagnia di Gesù. Sarà spostato alla sua sede attuale quattro anni dopo.Il 12 maggio 1928, Pio XI nell’enciclica “Rerum Orientalium” (AAS, 1928, 277-288) manifesta il suo zelo per Congregazione e Istituto orientali, creati dal suo predecessore Benedetto XV. Esorta i vescovi a mandare a Roma sacerdoti dotati a studiare le cose orientali per diffonderne la conoscenza nei Seminari. Lo stesso Papa è pure all’origine dello sviluppo della Biblioteca dell’Istituto, oggi ricca e accogliente.
Nel 1932, il Cardinale Prefetto della Congregazione dei Seminari e Università, l'attuale Congregazione per l'Educazione Cattolica, diventò Gran Cancelliere dei tre componenti del Consorzio Gregoriana-Biblico-Orientale (AAS XXIV, 1932, 267s.). La stessa Congregazione approvò i loro Statuti nel 1934 a norma della Costituzione Apostolica “Deus scientiarum Dominus”. Gli statuti furono aggiornati ed approvati di nuovo nel 1985 dopo la Costituzione Apostolica “Sapientia Christiana”. Nel 1965 il Dottorato conferito nel quadro della sezione teologico-patristica venne equiparato a un Dottorato in Teologia (AAS LVIII, 1965, 347), mentre nel 1971 la sezione di diritto canonico, eretta nel 1963, divenne Facoltà abilitata a conferire i gradi accademici in diritto canonico orientale, dottorato incluso (AAS LXIII, 1971, 791 s.). Essa fu così la prima e tuttora unica Facoltà di Diritto Canonico Orientale.
Il 31 maggio 1993 il card. Achille Silvestrini, Prefetto della Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali è nominato da Giovanni Paolo II Gran Cancelliere dell’Istituto. Quello stesso giorno, in occasione dei festeggiamenti per il 75° anniversario, iniziava al P.I.O. un Congresso Scientifico Internazionale "sullo studio dell'Oriente cristiano alla luce delle sue istituzioni e della sua mentalità: una rilettura critica", protrattosi fino al 5 giugno. Il 12 dicembre 1993 a conclusione delle celebrazioni, il S. Padre ha voluto onorare l’Istituto della sua visita: si è incontrato con il Corpo Accademico e con gli studenti.Lingue: Inglese, Italiano
Visita la pagina web del Pontificio Istituto Orientale (italiano)
Name in Lithuanian: Mokslinis metodinis centras "Scientia Educologica"
Description: the Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica" was founded in 2001 as a non-government organization. The general aims of the centre are: to encourage researches and methodical work of young scientists in sphere of natural science education; to encourage academic initiatives for the improving system of higher education and preparation of teachers; to care of improvement of professional skills of young scientists and distribution of their works; to acquaint a society to modern pedagogical problems; to raise the general culture of a society; to encourage pedagogical self-development.
Languages: Lithuanian, English
Visit the website of the Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica" (in Lithuanian)
Visit the website of the Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica" (in English)
Description: UCL SSEES is one of the world's leading institutes specialising in Central, Eastern, South-Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia. Our faculty are uniquely distinguished in their research, teaching and professional activities and we offer distinctive BA, MAand PhD programmes in: Economics & Business, History, Languages & Culture,and Politics & Sociology. SSEES also leads the inter-university Centre for East European Language Based Area Studies (CEELBAS), the InternationalMasters in Economy, State, and Society (IMESS), participates in the FP7 network project, ANTICORRP and runs the UCL Mellon Programme.
Languages: English
Visit the website of the School of Slavonic & East European Studies (in English)
Description: Based in Sapporo (Japan), the Slavic Research Center is a reseacrh and education institute for comprehensive studies on Slavic Eurasian areas at the Hokkaido University. Besides collecting research material focussed on the Post-Soviet space and Eastern Europe, the Center offers publicationand information services.
Languages: English, Japanese
Visit the website of the Slavic Research Center (in English)