Here you can find basic information about the websites of economic institutions, statistical offices and other relevant business agencies based in Macedonia, with direct links.
Description: The website of the National Bank of Macedonia provides a wide wiew on the national financial matters with documents and statistics. It offers monthly and quarterly reports which deal with the latest economic developments in the country.
Languages: Macedonian, English
Visit the website of the National Bank (in Macedonian)
Visit the website of the National Bank (in English)
Description: The website offers laws and agreement involving the national financial issues and the relation with the European Union. It includes reports and data about the busines environment in the country.
Languages: Macedonian, English
Visit the website of the Ministry of Finance (in Macedonian)
Visit the website of the Ministry of Finance (in English)
Description: The website offers the ongoing and future economic programs founded by the European Union in Macedonia. Moreover it includes publications and news about the relation between the country and the EU.
Languages: Macedonian, English
Visit the website of the Secretariat for European Affairs (in Macedonian)
Visit the website of the Secretariat for European Affairs (in English)
Description: The website provides information and news about the business opportunities in the country and includes fiscal incentives and economic regulations useful for the foreign investors.
Language: English
Visit the website of Invest Macedonia (in English)
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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