This is an innovative instrument to monitor the region from an economic perspective offering business climate analyses, dossiers, logistics reports and business news
Here you can find basic information about the websites of economic institutions, statistical offices and other relevant business agencies based in Latvia, with direct links.
Name in Latvian: Latvijas Banka
Description: The website provides information concerning the Latvian monetary policy and banking regulations. It contains legal and financial publications. Moreover statistics and financial news can be found in the website.
Languages: Latvian, English
Visit the website of the Bank of Latvia (in Latvian)
Visit the website of the bank of Latvia (in English)
Name in Latvian: Ekonomikas Ministrija
Description: The website provides information on the economic and financial secotrs in Latvia. It offers statistics, documents and legislation of each sector and highlights the economic relation between the country and the European Union.
Languages: Latvian, English
Visit the website of the Ministry of Economics (in Latvian)
Visit the website of the Ministry of Economics (in English)
Name in Latvian: Finansu un Kapitala Tirgus Komisija
Description: The website of this pubblic institution provides the financial guidelines for the latvian capital and investment market. It offers also useful news and statistics about the country's financial environment.
Languages: Latvian, English
Visit the website of the Financial and Capital Market Commission (in Latvian)
Visit the website of the Financial and Capital Market Commission (in English)
Name in Latvian: Finansu Ministrija
Description: The website gives access to news and programs concerning the country's financial and economic future. It offers also a complete wiew on the taxation regime and the state budget in Latvia with publications and documents.
Languages: Latvian, English
Visit the website of the Ministry of Finance (in Latvian)
Visit the website of the Ministry of Finance (in English)