This is an innovative instrument to monitor the region from an economic perspective offering business climate analyses, dossiers, logistics reports and business news
Here you can find basic information about the websites of economic institutions, statistical offices and other relevant business agencies based in Estonia, with direct links.
Name in Estonian: Eesti Pank
Description: The website offers updated news and information about the activities of the Estonian Central Bank, in particular its relation withe the Eu. It includes information regarding the monetary policy and the banking system of the country and provides also statistical data.
Languages: Estonian, English
Visit the website of the Bank of Estonia (in Estonian)
Visit the website of the Bank of Estonia (in English)
Name in Estonian: Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus
Description: Enterprise Estonia is one of the largest institutions within the national support system promoting business and regional development in Estonia and it is one of the implementing units of the European Union structural funds in Estonia.
Languages: Estonian, English
Visit the website of Enterprise Estonia (in Estonian)
Visit the website of Enterprise Estonia (in English)
Name in Estonian: Eesti Väärtpaberikeskus
Description: the Central Register of Securities administers share registers of all joint stock companies operating in Estonia and all securities and pension accounts opened in Estonia. The register also includes other electronic securities (shares of private limited companies, bonds, etc.) and securities transactions history.
Languages: Estonian, English, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian
Visit the website of the Estonian Central Register of Securities (in Estonian)
Visit the website of the Estonian Central Register of Securities (in English)
Name in Estonian: Eesti Kaubandus- ja Tööstuskoda
Description: the Chamber helps to develop entrepreneurship in Estonia. It is also an active partner to the parliament, government and ministries in designing the economic policy and climate. The organization provides several business-related services – consultation (legal, foreign trade, EU-related), business match-making (trade missions, trade fair visits, presentations), information services (business contacts, co-operation proposals etc.), training and foreign trade documents.
Languages: Estonian, English, Russian
Visit the website of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (in Estonian)
Visit the website of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (in English)
Name in Estonian: Eesti Konjunktuuriinstituut
Description: the Institute gathers Estonia’s micro and macro socio-economic data, processes and analyses it. This information is available for purchase.
Languages: Estonian, English
Visit the website of the Estonian Institute of Economic Research (in Estonian)
Visit the website of the Estonian Institute of Economic Research (in English)
Description: the Agency helps to manage foreign investment and sourcing projects for international companies and can advise throughout the process from preparation to implementation. Agency’s operations are funded by the Estonian Government and all services are free of charge to any potential foreign investor or trade partner.
Language: English
Visit the website of the Estonian Investment and Trade Agency (in English)
Name in Estonian: Maksu- ja Tolliamet
Description: the Board’s main tasks are to ensure the receipt of state budget revenue from state taxes and customs duties and to protect the society and legal economic activities.
Languages: Estonian, English, Russian
Visit the website fo the Estonian Tax and Customs Board (in Estonian)
Visit the website fo the Estonian Tax and Customs Board (in English)
Description: The website promotes foreign direct investments in the country. It encourages industrial cooperation between local and foreign companies and it gives an overview on the Estonian legislation and financial laws.
Language: English
Visit the website of Estoniantrade (in English)
Name in Estonian: Eesti Väliskaubanduse Liit
Description: the Council is a non-profit trade promotion association established by Estonian export oriented companies and organizations.
Languages: Estonian, English
Visit the website of the Estonian Trade Council (in Estonian)
Visit the website of the Estonian Trade Council (in English)
Name in Estonian: Finantsinspektsioon
Description: the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority conducts state supervision over the banks, insurance companies, insurance intermediaries, investment firms, management companies, investment and pension funds as well as the payment service providers, e-money institutions and securities market that have been authorised by the Financial Supervision Authority
Languages: Estonian, English
Visit the website of the Financial Supervision Authority (in Estonian)
Visit the website of the Financial Supervision Authority (in English)
Name in Estonian: Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium
Description: The website provides general information about the organization of the Ministry and its activities. It includes reports, news and documents concerning different economy sectors.
Languages: Estonian, English
Visit the website of the Ministry of Economy Affairs and Communication (in Estonian)
Visit the website of the Ministry of Economy Affairs and Communication (in English)
Name in Estonian: Rahandusministeerium
Description: The website offers updated news and laws about the Estonian market. It explains financial and monetary issues involving the country and its relation with the European Union.
Languages: Estonian, English, Russian
Visit the website of the Ministry of Finance (in Estonian)
Visit the website of the Ministry of Finance (in English)
Name in Estonian: Statistikaamet
Description: the main task of government agency Statistics Estonia is to provide official information on economic, demographic, social and environmental situation and trends in Estonia. Statistics Estonia is a part of the statistical system in Europe and contributes to the development of international statistics.
Languages: Estonian, English
Visit the website of Statistics Estonia (in Estonian)
Visit the website of Statistics Estonia (in English)