This is an innovative instrument to monitor the region from an economic perspective offering business climate analyses, dossiers, logistics reports and business news
Here you can find basic information about the websites of economic institutions, statistical offices and other relevant business agencies based in Cyprus, with direct links.
Description: The website gives complete monetary and financial news about Cyprus. It also contains updated financial and statistical pubblications and official statements.
Languages: Cyprian, English
Visit the website of the Central Bank of Cyprus (in Cyprian)
Visit the website of the Central Bank of Cyprus (in English)
Description: The website reports the financials news and regulations in terms of taxes and incentives for the foreign investiors. It enlights even the internal financial situation of Cyprus, with data and pubblications.
Languages: Cyprian, English
Visit the website of the Ministry of Finance (in Cyprian)
Visit the website of the Ministry of Finance (in English)
Name in Cyprian: Cyprus Development Bank
Description: This website includes the activities of the Bank, such as european programs and commercial banking facilities. It also contains services for customers and international investors operating in the country.
Languages: English and Cyprian
Visit the website of the Cyprus Development Bank (in English and partly Cyprian)
Description: This website provides useful information about trade agreements, investment regulations and incentives concerning Cyprus and its main foreign partners. It also contains news of latest events and commercial opportunities in the country.
Languages: Cyprian, English
Visit the website of the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (in Cyprian)
Visit the website of the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (in English)