Venue: Belgrade (Serbia)
Period: Apr. 3-5, 2009
The conference is organised as a international round table with the participation of approximately 40 prominent experts (scholars, professors, politicians, diplomats and journalists) from Europe, the US, Russia and Serbia with Kosovo. The answer to the question of Kosovo’s status is not only a challenge academically and legally, but it is also a question of realpolitik, and the discussants will focus mainly on the relations between the ethnicity and borders and their relevance for contemporary European politics, Western Balkans, Serbia and its future.
Divided in panels, the round table will analyse the following topics:
Discussions will take into consideration a Policy Paper on Kosovo’s Status and its Regional Implications which was the result of some research activities conducted during 2008.
Forum for Ethnic Relations
Forum for Ethnic Relations
address: Kraljice Natalije 45/VII,
Belgrade, Serbia
tel. 00.381.11.362.0781 or 00.381.11.3620804
fax. 00.381.11.362.0781 or 00.381.11.3620804
mail., or ferbgd@eunet.yu
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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