Venue: Lisbon (Portugal)
Period: May 19-20, 2009
Focusing on new, emerging and developing markets such as South Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans, Caucasus, CIS and Russia, the 2009 Convention "The new face of European Financial Services" will address the most pressing issues which affect decision-makers inEurope’s financial services industry, both within and outside‘Euroland’.
Structured into 7 panel sessions, the 2-day conference will address the following topics:
Interested people can apply by filling in and submitting the online registration form.
A 10% discount will be applied for registration and payment by 4 April 2009.
Euroconvention Conferences
Mrs Erika Patho
Project Manager
Euroconvention Conferences
tel. 0032.2.733.5940
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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