Here you can find the main online resources for the promotion of Italian business in the region, with information on trade fairs and business opportunities.
Description: This website gathers information from all the Italian trade chambers present in the region, including news about events, trade fairs, and opportunities.
Language: Italian
Visit the website of Assocamerestero (in Italian)
Description: Balkans Online is a website supported by the Italian ministry of economic development, dedicated to Italian projects of development in the Balkan region.
Language: Italian
Visit the website of Balkans Online (in Italian)
Description: Informest provides a wealth of information meant to develop economic co-operation between Italian enterprises and economic operators interested in the central and eastern European Countries, in the Newly Independent States and in some Asian Countries.
Language: Italian, English description only
Visit the website of Informest (in Italian)
Description: Russian regions is a website by the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade. If offfers updated business news about Russia and a large database providing news from alla Russian regions.
Language: Italian, English and Russian description only
Visit the website of Russian Regions (in Italian)
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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